Chapter 25

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Bellamy's POV

It had been far too long since we last hung out all together without worrying about 'A'.

Here we were, though, and it felt good.

"I'm so happy they got what they deserved, and we're finally free of them." Octavia seemed to be reading my mind as she voiced my exact thoughts.

"If I hadn't seen them being sentenced to prison, I wouldn't have believed it to be real." Raven agreed with her.

Their trials obviously found them all guilty and they were immediately sent to prison. Except Bryan, who had gotten out of the hospital and was put on probation.

"What do we even do with our lives now that we don't have to investigate stalkers? I was having fun with that." Murphy said, making everyone laugh.

"You're not fooling anyone, Murphy. You were shit scared." Clarke pointed out, and the others laughed even harder.

"As if you weren't." Murphy muttered, but no one paid too much attention to that.

Octavia had started telling everyone that she would be moving in with Lincoln and they had already started moving her things to his place.

"Wait a minute. If Octavia is moving in with Lincoln, where is Bellamy going to stay?" Miller noticed.

I coughed a little as everyone turned their attention to me. It's not that Clarke and I had been keeping our relationship a secret, but we were a bit preoccupied dealing with our respective bad parents that had just been sent to prison.

We barely had time to decide our living arrangements, of course we hadn't gotten around telling them yet.

"We're, uh, moving in together." Clarke revealed, and immediately everyone started talking loudly and asking questions so quickly I missed most of them.

"Yeah, we're renting a new flat. Neither one of us wanted to keep living in our parents' houses." I completed what Clarke had started to say before they went wild.

"That's still not explaining why you're moving in together." Monty, who was not there when everyone else found out, commented.

"Why wouldn't we?" I replied, completely evading his statement.

I wanted to tell our friends, but this was too much fun. I had to drag it out a little.

Clarke smiled and reinforced my efforts by very innocently asking, "what's so weird about two very good friends living together?"

Octavia was the first from those who knew what was going on that couldn't hold it in any longer, and she started laughing loudly.

"What? Spit it out, Octavia!" Jasper demanded.

These two didn't like being left out, especially not when it had to do with gossip and love lives.

"We've gotten together." Clarke explained, but she was still laughing along with everyone else.

"Wait, what? When? How?" Jasper asked.

"Ugh you don't go out with your friends once, and that's the time that everything happens." Monty complained.

"Yeah, your luck is pretty shit mate." Murphy teased him.

We were once again worried about normal, teenage things like who our friends were dating. For that alone, I couldn't even be annoyed at Monty and Jasper for continuing to ask questions that Clarke answered, while still smiling. I had missed seeing her happy.


Clarke's POV

Two weeks later

Settling in our new apartment with Bellamy had felt very natural. We had spent too many days at each other's houses growing up, so living together wasn't very different.

Except that it was entirely different from when we were younger. We were happy, and slowly learning to move past what our parents had done. We were also in a relationship. Everything was different but so much better.

I had woken up before Bellamy, and after laying in bed for a while, I decided to get up and make breakfast while waiting for him to wake.

I decided on chocolate-chip pancakes. It was one of my favourites to cook, and Bellamy's favourite to eat.

I was mixing the ingredients when I heard soft footsteps coming from the bedroom to the kitchen. Soon after, I felt Bellamy wrap his arms around me from behind.

"Good morning, princess." He greeted, kissing my hair.

"Has the sleeping beauty finally been awaken?" I teased him.

"Not entirely. Don't you remember that the sleeping beauty needs a kiss to wake up?"

I smiled as I turned to him and gave him a soft good morning kiss. I turned around again immediately after and said, "sit down and prepare to be amazed by my cooking talents."

He laughed but did just as I told him and sat quietly, watching me cook with a constant smile on his face.

"I decided to sent some college applications for the next semester." He admitted while we were eating our pancakes.

"That's amazing, Bellamy."

It had been a hard year for all of us, and Bellamy hadn't been ready to apply to college while the rest of the seniors did. I didn't blame him, only waited for when he would be ready to take that step. I was very glad it happened.

"I'm not even sure if anyone bear enough will accept me, but I am hopeful." He admitted.

"They'd be foolish not to take you, but even if they don't, we'll figure it out. After everything we've been through, a little distance isn't going to break us apart."

"Nothing is going to break us apart." He said very seriously, and he was right.

We would always have our disagreements, but that was part of who we were to each other.

After we finished eating, Bellamy took his plate and mine and washed them. When he was done, he looked at me intensely and said, "Clarke, I have to ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?" I tried to sound nonchalant but I was already starting to worry.

"Go on a date with me."

"We're already dating!"

"We've never been on a real date. Will you give me the honour and let me take you to one?"

I laughed, relieved. I should've known I wouldn't have anything to worry about.

He was right, though, we had been in a relationship for over a month, we had been friends for far longer before that. We had done a lot of things together, but a date hasn't been one of them. It would be fun.

Instead of replying, I kissed him, hoping he got that as my yes.

"I love you." He whispered when we broke apart.

How had I ever doubted that?

"I love you too."

The end!

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