Chapter 24

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Clarke's POV

"If you want to know the truth meet me at the Lakeside Haven tonight, 8 PM. Don't tell anyone

Lakeside Haven? Wasn't that...

I wasn't sure if I remembered correctly, so before allowing myself to jump to any conclusions I ran up to my room to check my photo album.

As I had thought, that was the name written on a placard outside our beach house in a photo with my mum.

Why would A know the name we had given to a beach house we hadn't been to in years?

Unless A had been there as well...

That can't be right though. The only people there were my dad, my mum, and I.

For a moment the thought of my mum being with team A passed through me, but I quickly dismissed it. She wouldn't have a reason to do so. Sure, she wasn't very present in my life, but she was still my mum and she loved me.

After suspecting my mum, I knew I had to go there. Without the truth I was going insane. It was the last piece of the puzzle and we needed it. So, I decided to go, even if I knew it was on top of the list of stupid ideas.


Bellamy's POV

"What are you up to?" I asked Clarke as I saw her walking to the front door.

"Uh- outside." She replied.

I narrowed my eyes at her, she was acting awfully suspicious.

"You're not about to do something stupid, are you? Not after what just happened to Octavia and I, surely you'd be smarter than that."

Her eyes widened as she stuttered out "No, no just - I'm running some errands for mum. Yeah, that's it."

"That was very believable."

"You don't have to believe anything, I'm telling the truth."


"Oh great! Thanks for understanding, I'll be back soon." She said, kissed my cheek, and started walking again.

"Wait, that was sarcas-." There was no point for me to continue. Clarke was already out of the door.

If I wasn't sure something was wrong earlier, I was after that.

Clarke was about to do something bad. I was scared for her, and at first I thought of following her myself.

Then I remembered we weren't alone in this any longer. The police would help us.

So, that's what I did, I asked for their help.

I called one of the officers assigned to us, informed him of what was going on, and he assured me he would follow Clarke. I asked to go with them, and though it took some convincing, he agreed.

Whatever it was, I hope they could protect her.


Clarke's POV

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared when I arrived at the beach house. I had no idea who I was going to face and what truth I would uncover.

Nameless dangerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora