Chapter 3

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Clarke's POV

One week later

At arkadia cafe and diner, Raven, Bellamy, Octavia, Lincoln, Murphy and I were gathered around our favorite booth.

I wasn't really paying attention to them though. It was hard, one moment we were laughing about something and the next my dad, or A, were creeping their way into my mind.

"Earth to Clarke." Bellamy tried to get my attention.


"Are you good?"

"Yeah, yeah, just thinking."

"Want to share?"

"Not now."

Imagine telling him about A.
He'd go mental.

"Whenever you feel ready."

Probably never.

"Thank you, Bellamy."


And oh, didn't that make me feel guilty.

"What are you two whispering about?" Murphy noisily asked.

"Not everything revolves
around you John."

"John? Aren't you feeling sassy today?"

"Look who's talking."

"She's right you know." Raven agreed. "You are the most sassy person in this entire place."

"Why thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment."

"Sounded like one."


I instinctively turned towards the noise, scared that it was my own phone.

I was more than surprised to see that it was Raven's phone... and the text said, -A.

I widened my eyes and without thinking grabbed Raven's arm and rushed to the toilets.

I barely registered Octavia, who wasn't paying attention before, ask "What the hell was that?"

We disappeared in the toilets before I could hear a response.


Raven's POV

I didn't even have time to see my new message before Clarke dragged me to the toilets.

I had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Clarke, Clarke stop. Explain."

"Have they sent you messages before?"

"What, who?"

"Uh A? Isn't that what the message said?"

"A who? I didn't even see the message before you dragged me away."

"This is the first time you got a message from A?"

"Clarke you're talking nonsense. Seriously, calm down and tell me what is going on."

"Fine, fine. We just need to see what they texted you first. Then I'll explain everything."

I opened my phone and put the password. Clarke's obvious nerves made me nervous too.

You may have felt like your mom's overdose was a bad dream but in truth I'm about to become your worst nightmare.

"Clarke, please tell me this is a joke."

Nameless dangerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz