Chapter 8

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Raven's POV

Clarke, Octavia, and I decided to "accidentally" go to Arkadia earlier than the others. We wanted to talk about what we saw at the park, but the entire group agreed to meet up today.

"We all heard it. There's no denying Sam knew something." Octavia pointed out.

"So it's her? She's A?" Clarke asked. "Or does she just know who A is?"

"We can't have an exact answer for that. Both are possible." I replied. "Though if she is A, I doubt she's working completely alone."

"Ugh this would be so much easier if we had more insights." Octavia groaned.

"That's kind of difficult. Unless, of course, you want to let Bellamy know about all this and hear what he has to say." I suggested.

"No. Are you insane? He'll flip out if hears about any of this. Our own guesses will have to be enough." Clarke cut me off.

"He'll go overprotective boyfriend mode." Octavia agreed with her.

"What do you mean? He's not my boyfriend." Clarke defended herself.

"Yet." Octavia teased.

"Whatever, can we focus?" Clarke rolled her eyes.

"You're changing the subject. But I'll let it slide. For now." Octavia continued.

"What are you three up to?" Bellamy's voice came in.

Octavia facepalmed and mumbled "Great timing", which earned her a glare and an equally quiet "shut up" from Clarke.

This Bellamy situation is getting weird.

"Well?" Lincoln raised his eyebrow at us. Were we that suspicious?

"Nothing. We were just waiting for everyone to show up." Clarke tried to distract him and Octavia from the previous conversation.

Bellamy wasn't fooled, "that doesn't answer our question."

We didn't have a chance to answer as we saw Murphy, Emori, and Miller coming in.

"What's going on here?" Murphy asked.

"Can you guys just sit down. There's nothing you should be worrying about." Octavia responded very convincingly.

I stared at her pressing my lips together in a thin line.

Everyone ordered their drinks as we sat around a long table trying to catch up.

"She's just so angry and miserable all the time, and she makes it our problem." Miller was complaining.

"Hello, I'm Zoe and I hate my job, and every student is going to suffer for this." Murphy mimicked her voice, terribly if I may comment, but it made everyone laugh.

"She's not even good at Maths, why would she try and teach it to us?" I was commenting as my phone beeped.

At the same time that Clarke's and Octavia's phones did.

Oh no, that's not good.

All three of us jumped as we heard the noise and turned to stare at each other in horror.

"Girls?" Someone asked but I couldn't focus on anything else.

With shaky hands I reached out to pick up my phone, which was on the table in front of us. I saw the girls do the same.

"This is horrifying." I registered Murphy's confused voice saying. I still didn't pay them any attention.

"Heads up girls, it's open season on liars, and I'm haunting.

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