Chapter 19

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Miller's POV

Meetings at Clarke's house had become a common occurrence. This time it was my call. I had something extremely important to share with them.

Once everyone had gathered around the living room, Murphy spoke up.

"What's this about then, any news?"

"Miller has some." Clarke replied.

"Do let him talk for himself." Bellamy muttered.

"Someone's grumpy." Octavia noticed.

I smiled at them as people around the room laughed.

"Let's just get to the point of this." Bellamy urged, ignoring Octavia's comment.

Something was definitely up with him, and I bet it had to do with Clarke.

We had more important things to worry about though, so everyone let it go - for now - and turned to me.

"It's quite a long story, so I'll try to make it as brief as possible, but it began yesterday morning at school."



I was just walking to my first class of the day, when I heard Bryan's voice.

"Nate! Wait a second, please."

I didn't particularly want to, but people don't call their exes in the school hallways for nothing.

"What is it?"

"Not here. Please, let's go outside. I have something important to tell you."

My curiosity was picked, so I followed him to the yard.

"What's this about?" I asked as soon as we were outside.

Bryan started playing with his finger from anxiety, and despite being the one to ask me to talk, seemed very hesitant to actually say what he wanted.

"Just say it, you've started the conversation already. It will be better once you tell me." I urged him.

"This is not exactly easy to say, so please don't freak out."

"That freaks me out."

"It's about 'A'."

"What the fuck! How is that supposed not to freak me out?"

"Don't talk so loudly! They can hear everything, they know everything. They probably already know I'm talking to you, and they will know what I told you soon."

We pretty much already knew that, but hearing a confirmation out loud wasn't exactly comforting.

"What do you know about 'A'?"

"More than I wanted to."

"Just spit it out, you're making me nervous."

"I'm part of 'A'."

"Is this a prank?"

"I thought it would be.Turns out the other members weren't joking."

"What's your point?"

"My point is that I signed up to scare you off a little but I I realized that their goal was much more violent."

"No shit, a psycho stalker team wouldn't want to hurt us?"

"I know I was stupid and I'm sorry.I never wanted to go that far."

"It's a bit late now don't you think? What is your apology going to offer? Clarke's already been hit."

"I can give you more information, but not here, on school grounds. They have already done something worse, and they are planning even more. I can also give you more names. We can go to the police and I'll even give my testimony there."

"Worse? How much worse can it actually get?"

"Very. Do you agree to meet me this afternoon?"

"Where? Where is it safe?"

"My house. 6 PM."

"I'll be there."

That afternoon

I hadn't told anyone about what Bryan had said to me yet.I wanted to see what he had to say first.I still wasn't sure if I trusted him or if this was part of a plan.

I arrived at his house at exactly 6 just like he told me eager to find out more about 'A'.

I rang the doorbell two times and I waited for 5 minutes but still no answer.

I tried to knock but this accidentally pushed the door open.

Why is it unlocked?

I hesitantly walked inside.I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

Bryan was lying on the ground unconscious near a broken ladder.

I panicked and ran to him and tried to wake him up.That was when I saw that he was also bleeding and I immediately called an ambulance.

After we had arrived at the hospital I used Bryan's phone to call his parents but then I read it. There was a text from 'A'.

"You should have kept your mouth shut.


"That's it. I didn't learn anything more but we have a lead and when Bryan wakes up he might still be willing to help us."

"We at least now know for sure that they are spying on our every conversation. They might even be listening to us right now." Raven pointed out.

"Is there really any hope for us when they so easily created an 'accident' for someone who was part of their team?" Clarke whispered.

"Yes there is, because every day we are getting closer to the truth." Octavia assured her.

"Wait. When did Bryan get the message? Because this is important, we need to know when they found out, so we can start planning our conversations and where they happen better." Monty wondered.

"He got the text barely two minutes after he told me."

"They really have eyes everywhere, even for one of their own. So the school's definitely under constant watch from them." Raven commented.

"What's going to happen to him? Are we sure that he's gonna be alright?" Harper asked.

"He's in the hospital," I took a deep breath before continuing, "I don't know how safe he is there, but he's going to be alright from the fall, eventually. That's the thing, though, from what he said they have already done so much worse. I'm not talking just about Clarke's incident with the car, I'm pretty sure he hinted at actual murder. So why let Bryan get away so easily? It's because, well, I think it's because they weren't expecting this, they hadn't planned for this, even though they have every little detail planned. I think they're getting desperate, sloppy. I think it's because we're on their tails, but they had underestimated us, they didn't know Bryan wasn't out for blood like they were. I would even dare to say that it's because they had been moving the pieces for so long, but now we're the ones winning. Do you get it? We're close, we' re so close to being free. "

"So we do have hope." Clarke smiled. "Even if they're listening to us at this moment, we're still closer than they ever anticipated. We can do this."


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