Chapter 17

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Octavia's POV

What the hell happened here?

There was a car inside my house which had gone through the glazed door. How the fuck did someone manage to do that?

Bellamy! Where is my brother?

I quickly unlocked my phone and called my brother. I needed to tell him about this.

"Where are you?"

"Something happened-"

"Oh I think I know what happened unless you're not talking about the car that ran through our home."

"So you've seen that..."

"It couldn't really be hidden."

"True.We should talk about it,I'm staying at Clarke's for now.Come over."

"Okay,I'm coming."


"I suppose this was 'A'?"I asked

"Yeah,they confirmed it in their messages." Bellamy replied.

"What are we gonna do now Bellamy and what about Dad?Have you told him yet?"

"I've called him.As soon as he gets back from work he's going to come home to get some of his things and probably stay at hotel."

"Is he going to take care of the mess?Replace the door?"

"He said so."

"What about us?"

"You guys can stay here.I've already asked mom."Clarke responded.

"Wouldn't that be a problem?"

"Of course not.You can stay as long as you need to."

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me.I know you would do the same for me."

"Of course we would."

Bellamy and Clarke smiled at each other.

Ugh these two.

I cleared my throat.

"What do we do about 'A' though?"

"What can we do?"Bellamy retorted.

"We should call the others.They have no idea what happened plus they might have found something new."Clarke suggested.

"Sounds good."


"Did everyone see that car in Bellamy's house or did I make that up?" Murphy said instead of hello, as he came in with Emori. Lincoln had come not soon after me. Then came Raven. Right before Murphy and Emori, Jackson and Miller had arrived.

"Unfortunately we saw that too.We almost got ran over by it."Clarke commented.

"You almost got ran over.I saved you." Bellamy sassed.

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