Chapter 5

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Raven's POV

Clarke and I had met up Arkadia cafe like we had planned. We ordered our coffees and cookies to go along.

Everything seemed great, except from one little detail. The empty list in front of us.

Turns out finding people who really hate you is not as easy as one might think.

It's not that we were good with everyone, it's just that nobody seemed evil enough to do this. Because you had to be malicious to do something like this to a poor girl who's just lost her dad.

Such a tough time of her life and she had to deal with this. I could only imagine how Clarke feels. Of a dying parent I knew well enough and of course I too was receiving messages from A but dealing with both at the same time must be unbearable.

"Should we start with the list then?" Clarke cut off my thoughts.

"Huh, oh yeah, of course."
The list. The suspect list, how were we even going to do that?

"Right, so it needs to be someone who doesn't like either one of us."

"That's going to be a long list."

"Not really. I can't actually think of anyone."

"Clarke, Clarke, how could you forget the most obvious person to hate us both?"

"Mind elaborating?"

"Finn, obviously."

"Why would he-, oh."

A look of realisation took over her face.

"Finn, Clarke, is the man who pretended to be in a relationship with both of us at the same time. Then, we found out and exposed him to everyone. You do know that he hasn't actually had a girlfriend since then, right?"

"That does make sense. Okay, suspect number one is Finn Collins." She wrote down his name. "Number two?"

"Uhm, I don't know. Anyone else from school that could fit in?"

"I can't really think of anyone else who hates both of- oh wait! Remember Karen?"

"Not really."

"Karen, from 7th grade. She was one of my best friends before you and I started hanging out together. She stopped talking to me when I refused to stop talking to you. She was so jealous of our new friendship and so insecure about her own with me. When I didn't agree with her terms she started playing pranks on me for months as revenge. I thought she would be over it by now but we can't know for sure."

Ah right, Karen hated me from the very moment Clarke started giving me attention.
I never even knew about the pranks, would you look at that. Clarke is good at keeping other people bothering her a secret from her friends.

"Sounds like she could be our A. Write her down."

"Two people don't really make a long suspect list. I just genuinely don't know anyone else who would want to play with us like this."

What if...

"Do you think it might not be someone from school? Or anywhere near our age at all?"

"Do you have anyone in mind?"

"I'm thinking of the first ever message that was sent to me. Remember? 'You may have felt like your mum's overdose was a bad dream.' As in, someone who knew my mum didn't die of a heart attack like we told everyone. The only people who knew are our friends and well, my father."

"I thought you said he was better towards you lately."

"He is. That's the suspicious part. Maybe he has a reason for that? Do you really think he just stopped reminding me mum started doing drugs because she didn't want me?"

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