Chapter 7

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Octavia's POV

The graveyard did not have many visitors. This early in the morning everyone was sleeping.

Everyone except me. It was unusual for me to wake up at this hour but my sleep last night was uneasy. At times like this, everyone needs their mum.

I bought flowers to give them to her. I imagine it's comforting for her to know we still care. I hope so.

I didn't talk to her like I normally would. Something about these past few days was off. I needed the silence, I needed to just feel her. It was bad, with the accident Clarke's dad had had and the incident at Murphy's birthday. I had a feeling that these were connected, and they wouldn't be the last.

The silence was broken by my phone beeping.

Probably Bellamy, I thought.

It was not Bellamy. Far from it.

"Your mother was first. Clarke's father was second. Guess who's next.

What the fuck?

Who was A? And why were they talking about dead people? And why did someone just have to be next?

I instinctively looked around trying to see if someone was there. How would they know to talk about my mum now that I was here? They had to be here.

Yeah, better get out of here.

I needed my brother. And I needed to talk to Clarke. There must be a reason her dad was mentioned and it isn't a good one.



No reply. Probably still sleeping.

Letting him sleep a little more crossed my mind but the selfish part of me that needed him won.

I opened the door to his bedroom without knocking. I was equally surprised and unsurprised by the sight that greeted me.

Bellamy and Clarke. Sleeping wrapped around each other. I almost felt bad for waking them up, but I had to.

I decided to wake Clarke first, we had to talk before worrying Bellamy with all this. I tapped her on the shoulders, careful of  not waking Bellamy up as well. Good thing he's a heavy sleeper.

Clarke slowly turned to me, opening only one eye to see what woke her up. She frowned at me, probably asking what the hell I was doing there.

I put my finger in front of my mouth to imitate the sh sound, and pointed behind me indicating that we should leave the bedroom.

She looked even more confused at that but still carefully detangled herself from Bellamy and slowly got up.

I lead her to my own room without adding anything else. We needed to be sure that Bellamy wouldn't overhear this. He'd honestly go out of his mind.

"Clarke, I need to talk to you about something."

"Good morning to you too."

"I'm serious. This is important. Have you noticed anything weird lately?"

She smiled sweetly at me. "Weird? Why would you say that?"

That's definitely a lie.

"Because you literally just acted weird. So that means you have noticed something."

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

"Me either. That's the weird part. Let me show you something."

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