Chapter 12

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Clarke's POV

Bellamy and I sat together in the bus during the ride towards the camping site our trip.

It was quite a long ride, and after talking for a while about what we were going to do once we got there, we fell into a comfortable silence.

Bellamy took out of his bag his earphones and plugged them in his phone. He turned to look at me, and wordlessly offered the left one to me.

I accepted it with a smile.

"I wanna be yours" by Arctic Monkeys started playing. I subtly turned to look at his profile as he was looking out of the window.

At the same time he turned to me. A shy smile took over his face, and I returned it with one of mine.

This will be the cause of my death.

I turned my head back as to not let him see the stupid expression I knew I was making.

I was facing the back of the seat in front of me, and getting lost in the music.

"You can rest your head on my shoulder since I stole the window seat."

I hadn't realized my eyes had closed until Bellamy pointed out that I wanted to rest. I really was feeling tired.

Before I let myself think of it too much, I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes again.

I could get used to this.


For some reason, the teachers thought that we should set up our own tents. Bad idea, very bad idea.

Octavia, Raven, and I were sharing a tent. And we were doing horribly in setting it up.

I looked around to see how everyone else was doing. Right beside us Emori, Harper, and Maya were trying to set up their own tent. They weren't doing very well either. Monty and Jasper, who had already set their own, were helping them though.

Jackson and Miller were still setting up theirs, but they seemed to be doing pretty well. Beside them, Bellamy, Lincoln and Murphy were standing in front of their already set up tent laughing at something. Bellamy met my eyes mid-laugh, and he titled his head questioningly at me.

I helplessly shrugged back at him. He said something else to the other two and started walking to us.

"Do you girls need any help?" He unnecessarily asked.

"Yes please!" Raven replied.

"Obviously" was Octavia's reply.

He laughed at us but still stood right beside me and started setting it up, telling us what to do and how in order to help us.

When we finally had our tent ready, I turned to say thank you to Bellamy, but I stopped. I couldn't stop staring at him, flushed from the physical work. At some point, which I hadn't noticed Bellamy had taken off his shirt.

Octavia snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Clarke? Are you there?"

"What?" I blinked. I turned to Octavia for a second but my gaze, unintentionally, turned back to Bellamy.

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