her name is...

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*may pov*

Were now back home now since the tour is over. Which is pretty sad but good.

Only because daniel isnt over that much and i dont had to deal with him anymore also.

Since unity left our group we had to look for a new girl for our youtube channel.

So of coarse we go to the mall.

"Hot topic has cool people" dycemebr suggests

"No forever 21" kai said

"No you stupids awesome people are in dix" tempo said

"No that is sperm not cool people" i said serious and everyone laughed.

In the end we decided just to stay in tje middle becuase that is where everyone has to go at one point.

"We need a girl who is rainbow and funny" i suggested

"And has a funny loud laugh" kai said

"Is spanish and crazy" dycember said

"Isnt scared to get in trouble" tempo said

We hear a scream and we all looked to our left to see a girl with a weird loud laugh running through the mall being chased my security guards.

All of us girls gave a look and ran after her.


We stopped outside of the mall huffinn and puffing

"We lost her girls" tempo said bretheing heavily

"Hey girls why were you following me?" The girl from inside asked

"Ummm following you" dycember, being the idiot she is, says

"Oh well can you stop?" She asks

"You can get rid of us that easy" she said again

"My name dystance but people call me dezzy" dezzy said

"Im May, shes tempo, and kai and she is dycember" i said pointing to all of them

"Um can you show me around town? Im new" dezzu said and we agreed

I think we found a new member

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