Almost Date Part 2

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*Unity's POV*

I hear a loud scream, and something shift next to me.

I opened my eyes to see that Dycemeber had gotten up, probably to see what that noise was.

The annoying morning sun shined through the left open tent door.

I flipped over my body and tryed to sleep more, but sleep wouldnt come.

I groan and sat up.

I heard more screaming and talking, but i blocked it out with my thoughts of what i would wear today

I zipped close the tent door and changed into my outfit, slipping on my lucky ring.

I unzipp the tent and bumped into Luke.

"Hey Unity, i was just looking for you" Luke says, playing it off cool.

"Oh, well hi" I say kinda awkwardly.

"Bacon for breakfast" May shouted from the fire pit area

"Ohh bacon" I say and walk over taking some bacon off of May's plate.

"Bitch!" she exclaims

I just shrug and smirk.

"I was wondering if you would come into town with me to get more things" Luke asked me

"Sure, i need things too" I said not giving it away that i was out of tampons.

But May knew what i meant, because she chuckled quietly.

"I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE" Kai yelled coming out of the bathroom unit.

We dont have to dig holes, or use potter-potties, there's acutally a bathroom unit thing.

"And what cant you do?" I asked Kai as she came over to us.

"Them" she says her eye wide with madness (<< is that even a word?)

I knew what she meant, Jai, whos her crush, and Ariana.

"You wanna know what they are doing?" Kai said loudly.

"No" I say, already thinking of the dirtest thing. (a/n: they werent doing the dirty!)

"Well, Unity and i are going into town, you wanna come?" Luke asked her.

"Nah, i wanna go hiking to get my mind off what i saw" Kai said making a disgusting face and turning back to her tent.

I threw away my plate and turned back to see luke already in his car.

"Hurry up Unity" He spoke loudly as i walked over to the car and got in.

"Damn your slow" he muttered, but i heard him and smacked him are hard.

"Ouch" he said, making a fake hurt face.

I just shoke my head as he stared to drive towards town.

First place we went to was a food market, very boring.

We got all of our needs for food there, and got kicked out becasue we started an apple throwing fight.

Seconf stop was a Wal-mart. Where i got my needs, while Luke just kept asking me annoying questions about a girls body and how it works.

Now, were at a Walgreens, to get medication for May's allergies. (a/n: I dont know if the boys have outdoor allergies)

"I cant find it" I said in a whisper shout.

"tag" luke said and tapped my shoulder.

i just rolled my eyes and kept looking, because if i dont find it and May keeps having her allergies, this trip will suck.

"tag" Luke said agian tapping my forehead, but once again i ignored him.

"Found it" i said and got the medication she needed.

"TAG" Luke yelled and tapped my boob.

"NO ONE TOUCHES MY BOOBS" I yell and run after him.

Adventually i tackled him to the ground, which got us kicked out.

But luckily, i got the medicine.

The rest of the day was sort of sweet, almost like a date.

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