Packing hates

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*Kaiya's POV*

Since school just ended, all of us girls and the boys did our summer ritural.

We all spend a week in the woods. Crazy i know.

It was also my idea, when i was 13.

On the last day of school (May was back by then) Tempo, Unity, Dyember, Luke, Jai, James, Skip, May and i graduated to the 12th grade. Beau had graduated making him no longer in school.

Everyone had packed, but May. Only becasue she was making up work from her 10 days off.

today we were all at the Brooks house.

Since the boys were going on tour, with May and Tempo, we all decided to go with them. So after camping were going straight on Tour.

"Ugh help me close this" Tempo said sitting on her suitcase, trying to close it.

I walk over to her and sit on the bag, making it close.

"Fat people rule!" i say smiling

"Say your fat one more time i will smack you" Unity said looking up from her phone rasing her hand

"but i am" i said back.

Im only joking with her. Mostly. Long sroty for a later time.

"Kaiya i swear to lawd" Unity said agian.

"okay okay" I said backing down

"Guys i have no freaking idea what to do" Dycember said stressed out

She was fighting with her parents... again.

They want her to be a perfect child because of her sister. Her sister went out to parties, drank, smoked, even got pregnat once, but got an abortion. Her parents want her to be nothing like her.

Dycember's phone rings, and she picks it up with a sigh. "Hello?" she asked with an annoyed voice.

As always she puts it on speaker.

D- Dycember.. P-parents

D- Hello?

P- Where are you? Your father and i are worried sick! you better not be at a party


P- Then your studying?

D- No! Im out of school for the summer im not studying

P- you should really study, so you wont be behind next year

D- Mom, stop, im not studying

P- Well you should, or your gonna be like your sister, a worthless li-

D- Mom shut up dont talk bout my sister like that bye

Dcymeber said and hung up the phone.

"My parents are so annoying" she said her face looking stressed out

"They want me to study over the summer so my grades wont slip in 12th grade" she says once more

"Bruh, your in all advanced classes, your smart as hell" May said as the girls agreed

"Out of the group, you and Kai are the smartest" Unity said smiling

"Its true" I said.

And it honestly is. Unity is the badass. May is the funny one that doesnt care. Tempo is sporty. Kai and Dycember are the brians. And the boys... well Skip is like May. James is somewhat like Tempo. Jai and Beau are just dumb. and Luke is somewhat badass like Unity.

Weve got them matched.

"Let's watch whatever you want to watch Dycember to cheer you up" Tempo suggested

"MEAN GIRLS!!" she yelled smiling

"HELLZ YEA" Unity yelled back.

--Time skip--

"May? Mom needs you in the kitchen" One of the boy says and comes into the room.

i must have fallen asleep. Oh well.

May get up off of her bed and heads down stairs.

Like the friends we are, we follow her and stop outside the kitchen.

*May's POV*

"Yeah mom?" i say as i neters the kitchen

"Since your going camping next week with your friends your father and i have something to tell you"  my mom said her face expressionless.

"What is it?" I say huffing at the end.

"Your brothers already know, that your father and i are getting a divorce" My mom said her face now filled with sorrow. (a/n: i dont know if Gina and her hubby are really divorced, but i need to make them in my book for reasons)

"What?" I say my face now emotionless

"Your father and i-" she started to say buy i cut her off.

"I know what you said, how could you do this to our family?" I said my voice rasing

"Mayra lower your voice, not the whole world needs to know" My mom said trying to calm me down.

"Well you and dad didnt need to get a divorce and ruin our family" I said and ran back upstairs, tears streaming down my face.

My friends were already in my room with the boys.

"Mo-" "we heard and know" Beau intrupted me.

I shoke my head and went to my suitcase. "Unity, get me about 5 shirts, Kai get me about 6 pants no skirts, Tempo can you get me my bras and underwear, and Dycember get me my shoes please" I say as the girls get my stuff.

When they hand it to me, i put it all in my suitcase and close it.

I look at my brothers, and my friends.

"Is everyone packed?" I ask and they all nod.

"Then why dont we go now" I say and hiccup at the end.

They all shurgged and Luke, Jai, and Beau went to get there lugge.

Soon when they came back we left to go to Kai, Unity, Dycember, Skip, and James's house to get there stuff.

And the whole time i didnt say anything. Nothing.

(Hai peoples, well heres another chapter, kind of a filler chapter and yeah... so a few more chapters intill the real drama starts where they go on tour and crap. So yea... Bye, love you, dont die)

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