Around town part 2

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*may pov*


Dezzy called her mom and she got to spend the night with all of us. We play pranks on the boys all night. Like one was where we had James in on one and Tempo and him went into our room and start to jump on the bed and fake moan. Which was funny.


Today Dezzy wanted to go to the beach. So we all changed into our different bikinis and went to the beach.


"Of coarse" I muttered seeing the boys.


"that's not the worst thing May" Kai said and turned my head so I saw Ariana, Unity, and Niki.


"Uh... run" Dycemeber said and we all dropped our stuff and ran into the ocean.


"Do you think they noticed?" I ask


"Who? the girls or the boys?" Tempo asked


"either" I replied


"Well your a ginger so of coarse they did" Dycemeber said.


"Where's Dezzy?" Kai said and I looked around then up the beach and saw her talking with Unity and them.


"Shit" I heard Kai mutter.


We all walked out of the water, since we could touch the bottom still, and headed over to them.


"Hey Dezzy whats up?" Dycember said and put her arm on Dezzy's shoulder.


We all croawded around her. "Nothing just talking to Ariana Grande isn't she great?" Dezzy said and I smirked knowing she was faking it.


"I know im great" Ari said and eyed us.


"So uh Dezzy wanna come and get some ice cream with us?" Kai asked and Dezzy nodded and we left them. I couldn't help but laugh because I bet Ari has never been rejected.


— After a while—

*dezzy pov*


We've been at the beach for 4 hours, but May and Dycember had to go home because they were getting burnt by the sun. And sadly enough Daniel and of coarse Beau went with them. So it was only Tempo, James, Jai, luke, kai and myself left on the beach.


Tempo and James went who knows where together. Jai and Kai are getting us food. So its only me and Luke.


"So luke May told me about you and Unity, im sorry she turned on you guys" I said to him.


"It's fine. I really liked her but im kinda over her now" Luke said kinda sadly.


"I'll race ya to the ocean" I said smirking as I stood up


"Deal" he said and started running.


I didn't even bother catching up because he was fast and I wasn't so I just walked.


"I thought you were running" Luke laughed as I entered the water.


"too lazy" I said and he laughed, but I splashed him.


We had a splashing war in till I got picked up and carried by him.


"but me down!" I shouted but he didn't listen. Eventually he put me down because we mad it back to where we were before we went into the water.


But damn, im falling fast and hard.













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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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