Chapter 25: White Light

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*May's POV*

I screamed under water letting out all of my air i had in my lungs. And you might think it was one of the boys... No i felt nails.

I was going down into the dark lake floor. Yes, lakes arnt deep but where the waterfall is it seemed it could go down forever.

Soon i felt someone pull my arm. I looked back at my leg, where i felt the nails, and i saw long blonde hair swim away.

When i got to the surface someone was holding me

"It'll be okay May....." was all i heard before i saw a bright white light.

(a/n: what your about to read is in heaven or something like heaven, i got this idea from another book no credit to me)

*May's POV*

"Mayra? You finally woke up!" a deep voice cheered as i sat up. I felt no pain and i could brethe.

I opened my eyes and saw i was in a plain white room with no windows and a few chairs with people , who looked falmilar, sitting in them...  

I felt someone hug me. i looked at the figure and it had short black hair gelled up with a strong body struture.

"J-Jacob?" I stuttered relizing who it might be.

"It is me Mayra" he said and stood up wearing the clothes he had been wearing the day of his funrenal.

"Where am i?" I asked. I wanted to cry, but some how couldnt.

"In your room" He said smiling. I tried to smile but couldnt

"Why cant i smile or cry?" I asked him

"Because your in the phase" he said once more sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"what phase?" I asked and he stood up.

"Do you know who these people are?" He said and motioned to the people in the chairs

"No..." I said and the people smiled.

"Well darling you should we family!" the old woman who was holding a baby said smiling widely.

"G-Grandma?" I asked my eyes widen. I looked at the man and the younger woman and relized it was my grnadfather and Aunt Rosa.

I went to hug them but fell right through them

"What the he-" I said but my mouth was covered beofrei could swaer.

"Dont say that word here May" Aunt Rosa said and took her hand away from my mouth.

"Mayra do you know who this is" My grnadma asked showing me the baby

"No" I said

"This is your sister, she died when she was a baby, your parents felt so bad they adopted you and lied to you all your life" Grandma said. I looked at her.

If i could cry i would have. I lunged at her but was pulled back by Jacob. "Come out in the hall way" he siad.

"I cant belive that! My parents and Beau! Ugh why did she tell me that" I yelled once we got into the hallway, my face emotionless because you know why.

"I told he too" Jacob told me

I turned to him and went to punch him but fell right through him. "You must understnad that if i had not told her to tell you, you would not be able to pick" he said as we walked.

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