Whoriana has left the site

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*May POV*

After the fight, we all seprated to our tents.

I walked in to see Daniel staring at his phone and Kai asleep.

"Your on my sleeping bag" I say in my regular voice. I dont need to whipser because Kai sleeps as hard as a rock.

"Im not moving, Kai is sleeping on mine" Daniel said back looking up from his phone

"Either i sleep outside or you do" I said looking at him sternly.

He sits up and pulls me down. "WE could always snuggle" he said whispering in my ear.

His voice gave me goose bumps.

"Sure why not" I said trying not to sound to flirty.

"Good" He said and dug his face into my neck as we layed there in the big tent.

Adventually i had fallen into a deep sleep. Dreaming about Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.


I wake up as i feel the groud under me shfit. I sit up with my eyes half open.

Kai zips down the tent and i scream and yell "IT BURNS" and flip over to whatever i was laying on and try to cover my body.

"May can you get off of me i need to take a shower i smell like ass" Daniel said chuckling.

I rolled off of him. I guess i had been sleeping on him. Oh well.

Kai is laying next to me laughing her ass off. I glare at her till she stops.

I get up and leave the tent going to one of the empty benches and laying on it.

"My ride should be here any minute" Ari said as she, her luggae, and Jai stand next to the road.

"Im sorry my friends made you leave baby" Jai said as he grabbed her hands.

"Its not my fault that they hate me" Ari said her voice softing.

"..yea" Jai said hesitating.

The limo she probably called came, her and Jai sucked faces and then she left.

"WHORIANA HAS LEFT THE SITE" Dycember yelled coming out of the bathroom unit.

"Thank the heavens" I hear James mutter from where he was sitting by the fire pit.

"Hey, you know shes my girlfriend" Jai said.

Dycemeber went up to him and put his hand on his shoulder and said "Let god have mercy on your soul".

i high fived Dycember and slapped Jai's face laughing.

He picked me up and put me over his shoudler.

"Jai put me down" I said loudly and hit his back.

"Nope" he said and brought me over to a tree.

"Jaiden Anthony Brooks put me down" i said more loud.

"No" he said and chuckled.

He then picked me up and put me in a tree, far off the ground. He's really strong.


I could get down myself, but im scared of falling. Im not scared of height, im just scared of falling.

"NOPE" He yelled and went into his tent.

"I HATE YOU" I yell now letting tears fall down my face.

This reminds me of a memory...


"Jacob, Jacob help me in the tree" I said in my 7 year old voice.

"Okay Mayra" my old babysitter Jacob said lifting me up into a high branch in an old oak tree.

"Thank you" i said giggling as i sat against the trunk of the tree.

"jacob help get me papers please" little 7 year old Tempo said as Jacob jogged over to her papers scattered all over our front lawn.

I got bored sitting in the tree, but i didnt want to get down. I took off my shoe, because i always take off my shoes.

I threw it, like i always do, but when i did it landed in the road.

"Jacob! My shoe in the road!" I shoute in the tree.

"I got it Mayra" He said and jogged into the road.

As he bended down to get the shoe, a bus came and hit him, instantly killing him.

I had just witnessed my best friend at the time getting killed.

I tryed to get down the tree, but when i jumped i fell head frst and cracked open my skull and everything went black.

-flashback over-

I sat there crying, while everyone was around me trying to coax me down.

"N-no J-jacob" I said through my tear looking staright ahead just like i did that day, but instead of the road i saw the site.

"Come on May jump i got you" My brother Beau said.

"N-no" I said my crying coming to an end.

"I will pull you down if you dont come down" Beau said again being serious.

"May just come on" Unity said who was standing next to Beau.

"Babe just please come down" Daniel said, making me blush a little.

"Beau you better catch me or i will kill you and runs away" I said looking down at him swinnging my legs over the side of the branch.

"I will i swear to god" Beau said nodding putting his arms out to catch me.

Beau and Eli are the only two that know exactly what happened to Jacob, i never told anyone the full story.

I let go of where i was holding onto and fell.

Best Friends ~Janoskians~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora