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Trigger Warning: Verbal, sexual abuse

If it would have been a month ago, Lin's behavior would have surprised Y/N. But now, she knew to what extent he could degrade. 

"Just fuck off Lin," she said pushing him off her body.

But he grabbed her by her waist and flipped her. Her hands on the counter, his body pressed on hers. She couldn't move- his weight trapping her petit frame.

"Let me go Lin," she screamed. 

He pressed his knees in between her legs and parted them. Fear ran through her veins and her blood turned cold. He sniffed her back like an animal trying to identify his prey. She was struggling beneath him, trying her best to push his away but she was nothing compared to his large frame. He rubbed his hands along her thighs, lifting the nightdress she was wearing to her waist.

"Lin please let me go." She pleaded this time, trying to appeal to his human side.

"Just stay the fuck quiet. If you can open your legs for him, you can for me too."

"Lin please..." Y/N was crying now. Her body immobile, her mind running places, seeking Namjoon. She felt her underwear being parted to the side and felt a hard squeeze on her breasts. She closed her eyes hoping this was all a nightmare. "Please don't do this to me Lin."

Suddenly she felt light, his weight lifting for his body. 

"Get up!" she heard Lin say.

Y/N opened her eyes and saw him standing at a distance. She wanted to burn him alive, her gaze radiating all the hatred she had.

"Don't look at me like that bitch. You know you want me to fuck you,, slut. That's all you deserve. That's all you are worth." He charged towards her once again. She flinched at his advance. He squished her already hollow cheeks. They turned red and her jaw hurt. "Look down when I speak to you." Her eyes lowered and tears formed at the end of her lashes. "I don't fuck used pussies. So forget about sleeping with me slut. I want you to see something."

He let her go and placed a laptop on the kitchen counter. 

"Press Play," he said and she obliged. 

As soon as the screen came to life, a chill ran down her spine. She started shaking.

"Joon," a 17 year old Y/N giggled on screen. Namjoon and Y/N were in their bedroom. Her legs wrapped around him while he kissed her neck. She saw as the two of them shed off their clothes. They were deeply in love, looking at each other like they had the previous night as well. 

The camera that Y/N had placed naively placed in their room to record themselves making love had captured it all and with great efficiency. Namjoon had no idea of the existence of the tape. Y/N wanted to gift it to him for his birthday that year. She knew it was a bit perverted, but it was also very intimate. 

It only after the pendrive with the footage had gone missing and Y/N had got that phone call that she had realized how stupid the whole idea was. 

The moans and giggles from the screen had filled the kitchen- the footage reminded her of a time she could never recreate. Tears fell down her cheeks involuntarily and she felt like she could pass out.

Lin pressed pause and closed the laptop. "I thought just one copy wouldn't be helpful. So I made a few. Now no matter how much you try you can't delete them."

She stood like a statue in the middle of her own kitchen. Lin's voice seemed distorted to her- the buzzing in her head so loud.

Lin moved closer to her and she felt a sharp pain on her breasts. His hands on her body disgusted her. It made her squirm and burn. 

"You will do whatever I ask you to do. You won't say a word or else this film of yours will be out before you can even blink. You know what happens if this gets out right?" Y/N felt his hands all over her body even though they were just near her breasts. 

She yelped as he held her by her hair and took her to the couch. Pushing her on it, it sat on her abdomen. It was difficult for her to breathe. He had pinned her down with all his weight. He ripped her nightdress and she felt tears running down her cheek. She knew what was going to happen to her and she closed her eyes. 

She heard the buckles of belt and the next thing she felt was his cock in between her breasts. She wanted to peel of her skin at the place where his harshness had touched her soft body. Going completely still, she felt him moving on her, the tip of his dick hitting her chin. She moved her face away. She thought of this morning, Namjoon holding her close. She imagined he was hugging her against his hard chest.

It didn't take much time before she felt Lin getting off her. She didn't open her eyes. She could feel him on her breasts, he had left his residue there.

"You got what you wanted slut! You have been asking for it for so long. Happy?"

She didn't say a word, just stayed still and prayed he would leave her alone. He bent close to her ears and said, "Your tits were fucking amazing. Don't let him fuck them, they are mine."

Y/N heard Lin put on his pants, put the laptop in his bag. When she heard her front door closing, she opened her eyes slowly. Her vision adjusted to the brightness. 

She sat up very slowly and like a zombie walked inside her bathroom. She scrubbed her skin red, she wanted to get rid of every touch he had laid on her body. She felt disgusted. Was it her fault? Was Lin right? Did wearing certain clothes meant she was asking for it even when she was at her home? Was Namjoon with her because of her body? Did she trap him with it as well?

She sat in the shower thinking about all this. It was her naivety that got her in this mess.  What will happen if she didn't listen to him? He could destroy her. But if she did whatever he wanted her to do, she didn't know whether she would survive.

(A/N Note: I am sorry for this chapter. If you didn't like it I understand. But something like this did happen to me and I had all these thoughts. I blamed myself for a very long time. I just wanted to write about it. The POV is from Y/N's perspective because I could only write what I felt and description of the act according to me kind of takes away from the disgust the victim feels. I hope you understand what I tried to do in this chapter. Please vote if you like it. I will edit whatever errors there are later. Love you guys.)

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