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Four months had passed since Y/N had moved in with Namjoon. Y/N had been assigned a new manager by her company. But she was sure that she wouldn't renew her contract after this one ended. She didn't want the life of an idol. She would focus on writing more, working behind the spotlight.

She and Namjoon had decided to go to therapy together to heal with each other. While they still lived in separate bedrooms, things were getting normalized. They were getting close emotionally. But neither had tried to initiate any sort of physical intimacy. Their collaboration was already hinted at. It was a week before the release of their album that all of them gathered at Hobi's apartment for dinner.

Everybody was in a joyous mood. Y/N was helping Hobi, Yoongi, Jimin and Jin in the kitchen. While Namjoon helped others set the table.

"Y/N-ah how are you?" Hobi asked

"I am good. It's not been easy but I am glad he was there."

"Is therapy helping?"

"I think so. We never planned for a pregnancy neither did we have a talk about it. I just knew he wanted kids. I just felt that I could give him the only thing he ever wanted. Then it got terminated I blamed myself even though nothing was my fault. I don't know how to kickstart our relationship. Now we are living together but we live in separate bedrooms. We care for each other, connect with each other. But..." she stuttered looking for the exact words, "It's like he doesn't desire me anymore."

"You know he loves you right?" Jin said putting an assuring hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah. But we have been living like roommates for the last four months."

"Did you therapist clear you for physical intimacy?"

"Yes almost three weeks ago."

"And he hasn't initiated anything yet?" Yoongi asked

Y/N simply shook her head.

"Sometimes I question Namjoon hyung's intelligence." Jimin said aggressively chopping onions.

"Why don't you initiate something?"

Jin's question made Y/N think.

"I am scared I guess," she said after sometime.

"Then tell him that. Share your feelings with him. Otherwise it will frustrate you and you two will grow apart." Hobi said.


The dinner went well. Everybody drank and joked around. Jin had disappeared with Namjoon for a few moments. When Namjoon returned he had made a fuss about going home. Y/N had agreed. She wished to be alone with him for what Hobi had said impacted her deeply.

On returning, Namjoon had plopped on the sofa while Y/N went to the kitchen to get some water. She came back to the couch and sat next to Namjoon- a respectable distance between them. 

"Are you tired?" Y/N asked

"A bit. You?"

"I am fine. Can I ask you something?"

"Yes." When Y/n didn't answer, Namjoon had turned towards her. "What is it?" His voice was filled with anxiety.

"Do you still love me?" she asked looking straight into his eyes.

"Yes. Ofcourse I do." His voice was affirmative.

"Ok." Her voice was cracking up. She knew she wouldn't be able to control her emotions if she sat next to him even for a second longer. She looked away from him and got up. As she was about to walk away, she felt a tug. Looking back, she saw Namjoon holding her wrist in a strong grip. She looked at him. 

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