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They stayed in each other's arms, inhaling each other's scent for what felt like eternity. It was only after Jin coughed and everybody burst into laughter that they let go of each other.

"Way to be professional Namjoon hyung," Tae said.

"Tae let him be. Namjoon-ah is in love," Jin said mockingly.

Namjoon hid his face in his palms while Y/N laughed at his cuteness.

"Baby...I am here...Baby look at me," Jimin imitated Namjoon.

The banter continued as everybody had their share of pulling the couple's leg. Y/N was turning redder with every tease and Namjoon thought he might as well disintegrate. He knew nobody would let it go so easily and he will be tortured for a long time. No matter how much she was embarrassed, for the first time in days, Y/N was genuinely happy.

Suddenly, the studio door opened and Lin popped his head in. 

"I need to discuss something with Y/N. Please excuse us." He gestured Y/N to come out. But she stood them by Namjoon's side immovable.

"Y/N?" Namjoon said finally looking up, "Baby?"


"Go. We will record Jin's parts in the meantime."

"Hmm." Y/N said and left the studio hesitatingly.

Once outside she saw Lin glaring at her. He got hold of her wrists and she flinched. She hadn't seen him since the last time he came to her house. She didn't want to see him.

"Don't make a scene Y/N." Lin said gritting his teeth.

He pulled her into a corner of the corridor. Y/N struggled to free herself from his hold.

"Let go of me," she said as his grip tightened.

"Shut up or else you know what can happen." Y/N stilled at that. "I have something you may like to see," Lin said taking out his phone. As he showed her his screen, Y/N face flushed and her eyes bulged. It was a picture of Y/N on her couch, eyes closed, Lin's dick in between her breasts. He had snapped a picture of his heinous act the previous morning. She felt like she could be sick.

"You should have kept your eyes open," he said with a sinister grin.

Y/n was heaving, her body in a state of panic. 

"Now if you tell your Joon about what you stupidly did 6 years ago, he might forgive you. But how will he ever forgive you for this." He said with a smirk on his face

"He will never believe..." She tried to form words. She tried telling him that Namjoon will never believe the pictures. He trusts her and he will believe her.

"But he will Y/N. Once he sees this picture, he will. Look at this and you will not be able to tell me that you didn't like it. And you think once he sees this picture he will ever talk to you?"

"Please Lin don't do this to me. Don't show anything to him. Please."

"I knew it. Threatening your career would get me no where."

"What do you want Lin?"

"That's my girl. I need you to get me something."


"The music for BTS' upcoming title track."


"Y/N-ah you are not in a position to say no. Your no can cost you a lot."

"But I can't betray him. I can't steal from him."

"You did it once. You will do it again."

"I didn't steal from him 6 years ago. I wrote that song for him. He made the tune with me. I took what was half mine. This is very different Lin," Y/N  snapped

"I will be less different once you look at this picture."

"Lin please. Please don't ruin my relationship."

"Then do as I say. I don't care how you get it. Just get it. And if you don't he will get to know that I fucked your tits before he could."

"Please Lin." Y/N was pleading.

"I think you should go back in and think about how you will do the job. And don't think that just because he is living at your house I will not go there. You can't keep me away."

" How do you..."

"I know everything. Now go back in. I checked his schedule, he will be working late today. So I will see you in the evening and better have a good plan."

Lin let her go and walked away. 

Y/N's legs felt wobbly. She wanted to fall on the cool floor and lay there. But she gathered the miniscule strength she had left in her body and started walking back. She was buried in her thoughts when she bumped into Jungkook.

He held her and steadied her.

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost Y/n?" he asked

"Hmm?" Y/N said zoned out.

"Y/N-ah is everything ok? What did Lin tell you that you look like this."

Lin's name brought y/N back to reality.

"Nothing nothing. Just tired I think."

"You sure?"

"Yes I haven't been sleeping well. So..."

"Oh why don't you ask Lin to get you some medication for that. Sejin does for us after very tight schedules. You can ask him."

"Thanks. I will ask him about it."

"Y/N you don't look well. You should go home and rest."

"No no I am fine. Just tired. I like it here and I don't want to go home." Y/N said trying to act normal.

"Ok if you say so." 

"I will see you inside," Y/N said and went inside the studio.

There was lot of commotion inside. They were all working really hard and it showed.  Y/N looked at them and realized it was impossible to do what Lin was asking her. She would rather die than break Namjoon's trust again. He was all she had. For years she had lived without a family and then that man had finally made her feel at home. She will not betray him.

But if Lin showed him the pictures, he might never look at her again. Whatever she did, their relationship was doomed to fail. Whichever option she chose the result would be the same. 

(A/N Note: I am not proof reading these chapters because I am very busy nowadays. I promise I will do it later. Hope you like this chapter. Please vote. Love you all.)

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