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Granger. Granger of all bloody people. For weeks he's been flirting with her. It started with winks and a few passing-by comments. Now it's full-on flirting and it was weird. I know he did it to piss me off. No one could love Granger that much. Maven's family would never approve as well plus he only does this when he's around me. I didn't really have a problem with him doing this if it wasn't that Granger was getting a lot of misled confidence. She also thought she had the right to come to the Slytherin table while we were eating and touch upon Maven staring straight at me as if I was going to contest. These were one of those times. "Mavey how are you doing?" She had her arm draped on his shoulder and her voice seemed higher. Then she stares straight at me waiting for me to say something. "Can you do this any time I'm not here, I'm trying to eat and whatever that is, is putting me off my meal." She rolls her eyes as she continues. "Blaise can you make Maven make her go away, I can't enjoy sugar-covered strawberries while this menace is still here." Blaise smiles a bit at my dramatics and just looks at Maven. Maven sighs and finally calls her off making her pout and nuzzle her head against his before bounding over to the Gryffindor table. "It's like she's an overgrown cat. I don't understand her desperation to make me see what she's doing with him. If he wants to let his reputation take a hit for her he has all the means to but why is it that he had to pick the one girl that has problems with me, to play? What is he trying to do anyway?" I rant to daphne as we sit on her bed in matching emerald green silk pajama sets, eating ice cream. "He's just doing it to piss you off like he always has. As for Granger, she's threatened by you, Nisha. You're pretty, talented, royal, and powerful. You're desired whereas she isn't. She threatened because she knows that anyone would choose you over her in a heartbeat. Everyone except Maven of course. The only reason I didn't question you being jealous is because you both actually tried to kill each other multiple times. I mean he put spiders in your bed that one time. Almost gave you a heart attack." I shudder at the thought of the spiders and me being jealous. I'm not jealous. Why would I be? I hated Maven and Granger, they bloody deserved each other. "Please don't remind me I have enough PTSD as is." She chuckles a bit poking her spoon in her cup of vanilla. "It's just so annoying because she started things with me. Sure I found her annoying before she started shit but honestly, she's taken it to a whole other level now." "She was always a smartarse and a suck-up. Remember that love note she left on Lockheart's desk? It was pathetic." I burst out laughing from the memory of us walking in and listening to Lockheart talk, showing off the love note for everyone to see. "Oh she never lived that down, I should remind her about it sometime." I had a carefree smile on my face as I talked to Daphne. It was always nice to gossip. "Okay but enough about me and girl problems what is up with you and Theo?" Daphne begins picking at her ice cream not making eye contact. "Daph, what's wrong?" She looks up again and I can see her straining to suppress tears. "What did he do?" I ask moving closer to her. "H-he hit me. It was once at first and he apologized for days after and really had me believing that it wouldn't happen again. Then there was this time when we got into an argument about something small and he did it again. Then it happened a third time and that's when I knew it was ever going to stop." "When was the third time?" "A few days ago." Her voice cracked and my heart dropped at the sound. I was going to kill Theo but that was going to happen after Daphne felt a bit better. I gave her a hug as she cried finally letting all the pain out. I hugged her never telling her to stop only promising that so long as I was alive no one would hurt her ever again. I meant every word.

It didn't take me very long to come up with a plan for Theo. I was motivated and all it took was a few hours very early in the morning as well as some coffee and strawberries. First I needed to find the perfect empty classroom which wasn't too hard. One on the second floor was quite deserted and seemed perfect. The second was getting him there. Putting on a sickly sweet smile I walk over to where he was standing with another boy. "Theo," He turns to look at me smiling a bit. "Daphne and all my friends were going to have a bit of a picnic in one of the empty classrooms and thought I'd surprise Daphne by inviting you." He smiles and I honestly felt disgusted that he was acting so calm after hitting a lady. I hate abuse. One of the reasons I never wanted my mother to fall victim to it, so the fact that he did this to Daphne made me want to melt him to death. "Sure that sounds great thank you for including me." I nod smiling myself. "It's going to be on the second floor third door to the left." He nods and I turn walking away with a smirk on my face. He was going to pay for hurting daphne. I stood behind the slightly open door waiting for him. Once the door creaked open I pushed myself off of the wall of the darkroom. As soon as he was fully through the door I slammed it shut and magically locked it casting a silencing charm as well. He realises what happened and shook his head chuckling bitterly. "So she told." "A bit later than I would have liked." I shrug. He just smirks at me. "What are you gonna do princess, kill me?" I smirk in turn allowing the shadows that were stronger due to the room being so dark in me and in semi control. "Oh, no I'm gonna do something to make you suffer instead." With that, I start walking toward him holding up my pitch-black hands, making him take steps back. I smile at that and reach my hand bringing it straight to his nose. A very loud crunch was heard before a stream of blood trickled down his nose. "Argh, my nose!" "What I think it's more fitting crooked, it suits you." I reply as he holds his hand to his nose as if it would do anything. He glares at me and goes to hit me I just hold my glowing purple hand up and he's flung back against the wall. He falls to the ground groaning but I was far from done. "What made you think it was a good idea to hit her? What did you get out of it?" He just smiled through his blood-stained teeth. "The bitch des,-" I punch him again ignoring the ache of my knuckles. "Wrong fucking answer." I sneer grabbing his face by his chin. I want you to apologize. She'll be here later but until then," I use my magic to throw him to the other side of the room like a rag doll. It was his turn to feel weak and powerless. "Doesn't feel too good does it?" I asked sarcastically as I walk to where he was laying. He glares up at me but it didn't intimidate me. "Bow Nott." I say. "What?" "I haven't made you deaf...yet so you heard what I said." "I'm not bowing to you." I squat down in front of him grabbing his broken nose and making him cry out in pain. "You gonna bow?" I ask. This was more for my own pleasure and to make him feel powerless. After applying more pressure making a bit more blood gush out he yelled, "Okay! Okay just stop!" I stood up with my nose turned up still looking at him as he moves to put his hand on the ground in front of him bowing to me. I smiled before I lifted him in the air and started using an old spell I read in one of my books. The word abuser is carved into his chest deep enough to leave scars. It soaked through his shirt and I smiled. "Boys like you never change, at least now others will have some form of a warning." He was battered with blood staining the bottom half of his face. Conjuring a chair I tie him to it before hearing a knock on the door. Opening it I see Daph and Matteo. I had told her to tell him and understandably he was livid. I move to the side wordlessly letting them in. Theo smiles when Daph comes in and Matteo wastes no time punching him across the jaw. "Apologise Nott." He looks at me and I lift my hand effectively making him turn back to Daphne. "I'm sorry you,-" I knew where it was going and so did everyone else. Matteo was happy enough to have another excuse to hit him. "Again." He sighs and I walk forwards placing my hand tightly on his shoulder and making his throat tight. "Apologise or I kill you." "I'm sorry." He hoarsely whispers eyes wide and pleading. It was pitiful that when you put his life on the line, then and only then does he apologize. Daphne just glares at him as I move away releasing my mental hold on his neck. "Fuck you." Daphne responds glaring at him. I smile at her as I hold her hand leading her out of the room and giving Matteo time to do whatever he wanted.

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