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And so we both left... left that place that resides between two hands intertwined. My dagger in his heart, and his poison in my lungs, and in our hearts, nothing but each other.

He became grey, headphones in, didn't talk, disappearing randomly. He always seemed busy, looking everywhere but at you. His tired face and hard outside hiding his soft inside.

I became that empty shell again.

What was the point of going any farther? Nothing lingered here. Nothing more than the memories that I could have called back whenever I wanted to if I was ever willing to endure the corresponding pain-the pain that had me now, had me cold.

The hole in my chest was worse than ever. I'd thought that I'd been getting it under control, but I found myself hunched over, day after day, clutching my sides together and gasping for air.

I wasn't handling alone well.

I knew it was all just a product of the weather of life, but it still made me edgy. The heavy, warm pressure of the atmosphere was apparent even to my feeble human senses, and it hinted at something major in the storm department.

A glance at the sky backed this up; the clouds were churning sluggishly despite the lack of breeze on the ground.

The closest clouds were a smoky gray, but between the cracks, I could see another layer that was a gruesome purple color. The skies had a ferocious plan in store for today. A thick layer of clouds pressed heavily on the atmosphere now, making it almost oppressive; it was warm and wet under the gray blanket. My classes dragged on as usual, but then we broke for lunch.

I got orange juice, mashed potatoes, corn, a dinner roll, and ham.

I sat down and waited for her to come in to the cafeteria.

Then I saw her.

Her shoulders were stiff and her lower lip was between her teeth again - a sign of anxiety. But as soon as her eyes met mine, her rigid shoulders relaxed and a wide smile spread across her face. It was an oddly peaceful expression. She walked right to my side without hesitation, only stopping when she was so close that her body heat crashed over me like a tidal wave.

"You're like a little doll," I teased. "A porcelain doll."

She tightened her folded arms and humpfed stubbornly. Her chin was jutting out with a superior arrogance in her demeanor. She was stunning, though her expression was clearly not in league with her appearance. She had a deep scowl on her face and there was a tiny pucker between her eyebrows. Rushing towards her, I pulled her by the arm and brushed my hands lightly through her intricate curls. Her musical heart began to pick up in pace. In anticipation or nervousness, I wasn't sure.

I giggled quietly. The sound made my eyes widen in wonder. I was laughing, actually laughing, and there wasn't anyone watching but her. I felt so elated that I laughed again, just make the feeling last longer.

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