Part 13

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"That's not true, you know."

I shrugged. "It is to me," I stated.

We made our way to the kitchen and put our things on the table.

I walked around the table so I could be closer to her. I paused, leaving a small distance between us. I brought my hand to her face, and gently, I touched her cheek with my fingertips. A red hot desire washed over as her warmth engulfed me. I had barely touched her, yet I felt her heat flowing up my arm and filling my body with a need, my need for her.

"Where's your Grandma?"

"Don't worry," I grinned playfully, hoping this would ease her mind. "She's at lunch with her book club," I added.

I needed her like she needed air. Couldn't she tell it wasn't sadness on my face, that it was something else? Bliss, ecstasy, pure joy were radiating off me like a nuclear explosion had imploded inside me, sending waves of happiness to all those who surrounded me. Couldn't she feel it?

Suddenly, I heard a low rumbling.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

Instead of looking earnestly, she was staring at me sheepishly, as if waiting for a scolding. "Starving," she said at last.

She could read the anticipation on my face. She grinned her magnificent smile as I bounded toward the cabinets, and began searching.

Her gaze followed my every move. I'm sure she saw how I bounced on each step. How every time I found something distasteful I would slightly shake my head, and when I was considering my options I would purse my lips. When I found something to my liking, I pulled it out of the cabinet and placed it on the table, returning to the fridge to grab something else, and then added the two together. I couldn't to this day tell you what food I chose, nor what I made.

She drifted forward, and the movement flowed with such surreal grace that I gawked, my mouth hanging open.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

She blushed, a bright pink across her cheeks. She stared into my eyes, and I stared back into hers.

"I'm telling you," I stated.

"I love you," her perfect voice murmured, crystal clear.

My lips pressed together tightly and my eyes narrowed slightly in an effort not to show my humor. The sheer beauty of her voice amazed me. I closed my eyes. I couldn't allow my memory to lose it, no matter the price.

When my grandmother came home, we were working on homework, holding hands underneath the table. When we finished, we moved to the couch to watch a Disney movie. As the credits rolled, we began talking.

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