32 Credits

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First, I want to say thank you to my mom, who showed me how to love in the first place.

My siblings. They will never read these probably ever, but I'd still like to mention them.

My stepsiblings. I know y'all don't care, but here you go.

My dad, who I still love even though he loves himself. The words I wrote are the words I will never say.

Matt, for believing in my writings.

Jorge, for coming back into my life when we ended on bad terms.

McNew, also known as DickFish, and your bomb-diggedy chicken alfredo.

Nightcore is the only thing I listen to while writing. Something about the fast beat makes my heart pump.

Twilight, the books I read while writing. Hey, the movies sucked, but the books weren't that bad.

My brain, for coming up with a sad story.

My fingers, for cramping up.

My brain, for thinking of a love story.

This prompt: Spending your summer at an all-girls camp was never your idea of fun. You'd much rather be hanging out with your friends, flirting with boys, and thinking about prom next year. Unfortunately, your parents had other ideas. You are determined to hate everything about it, but your cabin mate is unlike anyone you've ever met, and you find yourself drawn to her in ways you never imagined. You never felt this way about any of the boys you've dated. Is this just an experimental phase, or could this be what love really feels like?

My experiences.

Food, for keeping me alive.

Twilight Eclipse. The constant fighting helped a lot.

My anxiety. For keeping me pacing when all I wanted to do was sleep.

My bipolar. For coming up with the accident.

My PTSD. See above.

My trama. For keeping the story interesting.

Also this prompt: You are in love with your best friend, but she has no clue. You have suffered in silence as you have watched her fall for the wrong guys over and over again. Graduation is coming up, and you are running out of time to tell her how you feel. Will she finally see that it should have been you all along, or will she break your heart forever?

I can't believe I have to do 32 of these. So, myself. For consistency.

My computer. Couldn't have done it without you.

Lauren. For my realizing I can still develop crushes.

The Elders. For holding gatherings for me.

Alcohol. I hate to put it here, but I seriously wrote a lot while drinking.

My imagination. Couldn't have done it without you.

imalivenotalone.wixsite.com/thisislife im ma genius

megtheimp.wixsite.com/alaxiona muahhahahahaha

Wattpad. I have used, loved, and hated it for years.

One more to go! My passion.

I dedicate this to my best friend, Kirtley. KirtKat, I love you, maybe not in the same way you love me, but I'd spend the rest of my life with you if you'd let me.

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