Part 16

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While I was laying there with an angel in my arms I was thinking about the past day's events. I couldn't think of my life before her, because that was no life at all. I was so joyous, euphoric. Every time I felt her warmth, hear her pulse speed up, watch her face flush I fell deeper and deeper into love.

Like her hand found what it was looking for, she grabbed my neck and pulled her face into the hollow below my ear. She breathed deep heavy breaths onto my neck. The warmth made me tremble. I pulled her in closer to me. The sensations of her breath were almost maddening. She reached up with her right hand and then it limply fell onto my chest. I held her even closer then. She was quiet.

I moved the hair from her face and watched as she slept peacefully. I caressed her face, her hair, her lips over and over again. Every time I pressed my fingers to her skin I was stung by the electricity. It was an astonishing feeling.

My hands were at her back and began moving up and down gently, caressing her. She shivered in pleasure. I breathed in her delicious scent. Her head met my shoulder, and I brought my arms around her again, securing her to my chest.

Her heart began beating rapidly and she embraced me back. I held her to my chest, rocking her lightly back and forth while lightly tracing her body's every line. A rush of sensations was rippling through my body, at each electric jolt; jubilance, happiness, triumph...the uplifting joy I was feeling was indescribable.

I wrapped my arms around her at this moment, holding her closely while inhaling the delicate scent that I would on no account be able to acquire enough of.

She caught her breath and her pulse raced. The warmth emitted from her like the sun. Her fragrance was assaulting my nose, and entering my lungs in waves.

The next morning was Saturday, and I ended up sleeping in.

I awoke to voices in the kitchen.

"I've never felt so helpless," My grandmother began slowly. "I didn't know what to do. That first week, I thought I was going to have to hospitalize her. She wouldn't eat or drink, she wouldn't move. The neighbor she babysat for was throwing around words like 'catatonic,' but I didn't let him up to see her. I was afraid it would scare her."

"She snapped out of it though?"

"I had her mom try to talk to her. I just didn't want to be the one- if she had to go to a hospital or something. I hoped her mother would help. But when we started packing her clothes, she woke up with a vengeance. I've never seen Rachel throw a fit like that. She was never one for tantrums, but, boy, did she fly into a fury. She threw her clothes everywhere and screamed that we couldn't make her leave, and then she finally started crying. I thought that would be the turning point. I didn't argue when she insisted on staying here, and she did seem to get better at first. For another week."

She trailed off. It was hard listening to this, knowing how much pain I'd caused her. I felt extremely guilty. I was supposed to look after her, but my depression got worse after the breakup- even though it had been my doing. I just didn't want to let anyone in anymore.

Until I fell for my best friend, that is.

"But?" Melissa prompted.

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