You Want Me To What?

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I met Stiles outside of his classroom and we had just pushed through the front doors to the school with a large crowd of students and headed to where he had parked his Jeep in the lot. He opens my door for me and hurry's around to get into the drivers side both of us taking off our backpacks and throwing them in the backseat before he starts to pull out of his spot and gets ready to head back to his house.

He turned to say something to me when suddenly, Derek appears right in front of us, weakly holding up his uninjured arm to get out attention, and Stiles barely hits the brakes in time to avoid hitting him, causing him to groan in surprise.

"Oh, my God!"

"Derek? Holy shit," I muttered surprised as Derek sways on his feet, his arm still raised.

I see Scott running towards us just as Derek's legs give out from under him and cause him to collapse onto the pavement in front of Stiles' stalled car.

Stiles throws up his arms in exasperation. "You've gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere!"

Horns continue to honk loudly, causing Stiles and I to turn around and notice the long line of cars that are now bottlenecked behind his stopped car. To make matters worse, other students who are milling around outside of the school are starting to watch the scene unfold in front of them as well. Scott finally makes it to Stiles' car and throws up his own arms as he speaks to Stiles and I through the open window.

"What the hell?" Instead of waiting for an answer, Scott rushes over to where Derek has collapsed and kneels down next to him.

"Wait he's not suggesting that we told Derek to show up so we could hit him is he?" I asked looking at Stiles before remembering the extremely ill looking Derek laying on the pavement.

Before both Stiles and I get out of his car to follow after him.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked.

"I was shot." Derek groaned making me want to make a comment but I bit my tongue.

"He's not looking so good, dude..." Stiles cringed.

Scott frowns in confusion. "Why aren't you healing?"

Derek groans in pain, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment. Making me crouch down next to him, looking at his arm. "I can't. It was-it was a different kind of bullet."

Stiles suddenly gets excited at this news. "What, a silver bullet?"

Derek is able to fight through the pain long enough to shoot Stiles an irritated, bitchy expression. "No, you idiot--."

Scott cut him off before I had the chance too. "Wait, wait-- that's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours..."

I see Derek's eyes widen in alarm. "What? Who-who said forty-eight hours?"

"The one who shot you." Scott said like it was obvious.

Suddenly, Derek is hit with a powerful wave of pain that causes his eyes to flash bright blue, and he grimaces in agony. When he opens his eyes again, they're continuing to flash back and forth between his Werewolf blue eyes and his human green eyes.

Scott looks horrified, his eyes darting around to make sure no one is watching before he mutters at Derek forcefully. "What are you doing? Stop that!"

Derek shakes his head as his voice takes on an impatient tone. Behind them, cars are starting to honk even more urgently at how long this is taking.

"I'm trying to tell you-- I can't."

Scott puts his hands on Derek's shoulders and looks him intently in the eyes. "Derek, get up!"

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