Face To Face With Kate Argent Again and Scott's Second Full Moon.

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"Lydia is coming over today, please come over too. Please, Nyx?"

"Alright fine. I'll come over; I'll be there soon. Let me get dressed and I'll call you when I get there."

I pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before grabbing my jacket, wallet, and keys and locking the house up behind me.

I'm on the way over. Leaving my house now.

Thank you so, so much!

I laughed softly to myself and pulled out of my driveway. It was quiet as I drove opting to not put any music on. I put the car into park and got out knocking on the door, as I waited, I looked around and didn't see Lydia's car here yet.

"Nyx!" Allison grinned pulling me into a hug. "Dad this is my best friend Nyx. Nyx this is my dad."

"It's wonderful to meet you sir." I smiled at him shaking his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Allison talks about you a lot. You're going to be staying for dinner, right?"

"Only if I'm not intruding."

"Not at all. Any friend of Allison's is welcome here." He smiled at me as we walked into the hallway.

"Lydia should be here soon and then we can head up to my room. You'll get to meet my aunt Kate as well; she'll be here later."

"I can't wait." I grinned at her.

Once Lydia got there we went up to Allison's room and talked and gossiped for hours until her dad came up and knocked on the door.

"Dinners ready girls." He smiled at us.

"That's my cue to go. I've gotta meet my mom for dinner, but definitely next time." Lydia smiled grabbing her jacket and leaving.

"You're staying though, right?" Allison asked me as we left her room.

"Of course, I am." I smiled at her.

"Come on you can meet my aunt." She grinned grabbing my hand and pulled me into the dining room, where I saw Kate talking to Allion's mom. "Kate this is my best friend Nyx. Nyx this is my aunt Kate."

Her face turned pale as she looked at me but she put on a smile for Allison. "It's nice to finally meet you. Allison talks about you a lot."

"It's nice to meet you as well."

"I really hope you aren't a vegetarian." Kate smirked at me.

"Oh, I'm definitely not." I laughed as I took a seat next to Allison.

As everyone loaded their plates we ate as we talked, the conversation was kept pretty light for the most part.

"So do you play any sports?" Mr. Argent asked me.

"No, not really. I was really into archery and gymnastics for a while when I was younger, I think I was about 2 when my mom had me first enrolled. But I stopped with lessons when I was 12." I told him.

"So Nyx. Allison tells me that you spend a lot of time with your friends instead of with you family." Mrs. Argent said.

"Mom," Allison whispered harshly.

"Oh. Yeah. There was a pretty bad accident a little over 6 years ago, my mom and I were driving back from visiting an old friend of hers. We flipped a few times before the car landed in a ditch, EMT's said it was a miracle I was alive when they managed to pull me out. My mom died on impact, and my dad's never really home. He travels a lot for work. So, my friends and their families do their best to keep me out of my empty house as often as possible." I told her with a shrug. "It's one of the reasons I ended up dropping out of archery and gymnastics."

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