Chapter 15

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"Come on, he's so adorable,"

"That's why I picked him for myself, not you,"

"His skin looked so smooth-"

"It is smooth, Yao. He's a beautiful color and has a perfect personality but that doesn't mean you can have him and that's final," at these words the Cantonese boy stood and left his study to return to his vedroom, quietly hoping that his love would still be in the tub.

He let out a small sigh as he finally reached his sleeping chambers and went inside, quickly closing the door so no one else could bother him. He noticed that the white haired boy was not in the current room and decided to check the bathing room that was connected. Leon noticed some white locks above the water and smiled thinking that everything the other did was absolutely adorable. He carefully walked in and crouched beside the bathing boy, petting his soft wet hair. "You seem to be enjoy your bath, but if you don't clean you're back you're going to get terrible acne," the young foreigner blushed as he was gently pushed forward as his back scrubbed. "honestly the help around here should know how to wash someone."

"I actually made up the bath myself and cleaned myself since I got rather bored and lonely. I didn't feel like disturbing anyone either, I'm very sorry that I was wrong," he heard a sigh from the other as the cleansing strokes on his back stopped and Leon left.

From that point on a servant was specially appointed to Emil as a playmate or helper whenever Leon was not around to care from him. The servant had a nice face and was well built, almost like the king of his own land but also seemed fragile like his brother. The man also reminded him of Yao, always seeming to care as if he actually belonged but also said things that made him an outcast.

One day, making weeks after, the servant had been dismissed and Yao decided to spend time with the boy, sitting with Emil on the bed, stroking his hair, which Emil took a liking to and leaned into his hand. He could hear things being whispered into his ear but didn't understand them, only thought of them as secrets and nodded in agreement. Emil could feel and hand running down his side and shivered away from it but completely froze when the hand had reached his buttocks. At this touch and the gently squeeze he tried escaping but was stopped when Yao's skillful hand cupped the front of his crotch, making the boy go red and moan softly. "Y-yao," he boy had whispered, his accent thickening as he was groped further and grew harder in an area he tried to conceal from the older male.

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