Chapter 2

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Edogawa Ranpo sat in the office, munching on his favourite sweets happily. Suddenly he heard hurried footsteps and the Agency's entrance door flung open, revealing a very panicked and horrified Dazai with a confused child in his arms. 

Dazai ran towards Ranpo and said in a very shocked and terrified tone

"He— He is a CHILD!!"

(Imagine a very shocked Dazai and a super confused Chuuya)

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(Imagine a very shocked Dazai and a super confused Chuuya)

"Mmn? Hai hai, I see you have an adorable little child with you Dazai" Ranpo said casually, still happily munching.

"No, you don't get it. Ranpo san. He is a child" Dazai repeated, unable to string words together properly.

"Hm? I know he is a child. Why are you so shocked though? Is he yours?" Ranpo asked, not looking at the child *intentionally*. Dazai's panic face was a super rare sight, little Chuuya could wait a few more minutes.

"Wha— NO! Ranpo san! He is chibi! Chi—"

"Dazai san has a child?!" 

Atsushi, who had just entered the room, exclaimed. He ran over to the horrified adult.

"Dazai san, Congratulations!! I didn't know you were married tho, but who cares. It's a day of celebration!! Dazai san became a father" Atsushi said, practically radiating happiness.


"What did you say Atsushi? Dazai is a father now? Good for him. He would be too busy to try his idiotic suicide attempts now" 

"Atsushi kun, When did you teleport there?" Dazai exclaimed . The white haired boy, who was standing in front of him a few seconds ago was now on the other side of the room, telling everyone about the 'good news'. 

Everyone gathered round to congratulate their obviously horrified co worker.

"Dazai san congratulations! I can't wait for nii san to become a father too. Kyaah! I'll spoil the kid rotten"
"Congratulations Dazai san. Is the kid a boy or a girl?"
"You didn't bring your wife to me for regular checkups?"
"Why do you look so horrified though?"

"Listen to me first!!"


"So you mean to say that this kid is Nakahara Chuuya? Are you sure?" Kunikida asked for the umpteenth time  

"I'm positive"

"How can you be so sure though Dazai san? What if he is just someone related to Chuuya san"

"At-su-shi-Kun, look at him!" Dazai said, holding little chuuya diretly in front of Atushi's face "He's a carbon copy of that chibi, just a lot cuter"

"Dazai san, are you okay? You're way too freaked out"

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