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"Talking only makes things worse. With silence, nobody's allowed to put you down without losing their own happiness in the process."

Ray Grace was happy. He was actually happy; he wasn't just putting on facade for the show of it. Ray wanted to smile, giggle and prance around like an idiot.

But of course being Ray (and definitely not an idiot) he controlled himself and kept up his calm composure. He shuddered; he could only imagine what people would say if they saw him happy.

It was the end of the school year and after studying and fiddling with his camera relentlessly, Ray had finally completed his course in photography. He was proud of himself and he knew his mother would be too.

Of course, Ray didn't need to study photography. Not like all the other kids in his lecture group, desperate for attention; longing for talent of any sort. No, he was the best of the best and therefore his talent had already been widely recognised all across Japan. Ray appeared in photography and youth magazines all the time. On a daily basis he'd shoot famous models or influencers on the red carpet.

Ray knew his talent and self-value, but he never let on to his knowledge. He let people praise him and that was that. No boasting or advertisements. Life was simpler that way.

Anyway, that day Ray was particularly happy, not only because he'd completed his college course but rather because he'd just been offered a job. A life-changing one at that.

One of the biggest modelling companies in Japan, Lambda Productions, had just contacted him to tell him that they'd like him to work for them. They were going to hire him for a 30-day trial and if he succeeded to impress them then he'd get a permanent place in the staff.

Ray had obviously accepted, and even now he was scrolling through Instagram, searching Lambda Productions' leading account for information. He sat on his bed, sipping red wine from a glass with his head propped up against a pillow. The soft down filled lump sagged under his weight.

Ray sat scrolling for another few hours - he never really kept track of time - until he decided it was time to go to sleep. He pursed his lips; he didn't really want to go to sleep. Ray leaned over his bedside table and glanced at his digital alarm clock.

The time read 01:53. Ray shrugged and went back to his phone. Might as well wait 'till two. Either way he'd be exhausted in the morning. Only a few more minutes, he thought to himself.

Ray allowed himself to look through his phone once more. As he was scrolling through Lambda Productions, one of their photos caught his eye. It was posted eight years ago, but Ray couldn't take his eyes off of it.

The photo was of a delicate little boy, who sat between a newlywed couple. The boy looked about thirteen, maybe fourteen. It was hard to tell since he was so petite and skinny looking, as if he might snap from a slight twist. Ray couldn't help wondering what his parents fed the poor boy.

The couple in the photo were definitely his parents, for sure. The man had the same white hair and inward-looking eyes, while the boy's mother had a similar calm look and creamy complexion.

They were glowing in contrast with Ray's spiky dark hair and ivy green eyes, so dark they seemed to be black. Everybody called him 'Emo' and 'Goth' but Ray really didn't see what they saw in him.

That wasn't the point. The point was that the teenager in the photo looked familiar, like an old friend or something.

It was a long time before Ray fell asleep that night.

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