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"I can't think of a quote so pretend this is something really inspirational. "

"I'm not in the mood right now, Don."

"I know you're mad at me." Don glared at him from across the room. "You've been ignoring my calls and texts."

They were currently in Norman's room. One sitting, one leaning against the wall looking very frustrated.

Norman sighed and looked his boyfriend in the eyes. "It's not you, Don. I just need time."

"Time for what, Norman?" Don whined. "Why are you so distant lately?"

He took a step closer.

Norman stood his ground. "It's not you," he repeated. "I'm having trouble with something else."

"Tell me. Maybe I can help," Don said without hesitation.

"You can't help with this," Norman told him firmly. "I need to sort it out on my own."

Don looked like he wanted to argue. Norman could tell. But he was relieved when the brown-eyed man unknitted his eyebrows and dropped the topic.

The topic, of course, which was not Norman being upset with Don, but with Ray.

Because, as he'd recently found out, Ray had some weird obsession with him.

Really, Norman didn't know whether to be creeped out or flattered - was that an option?

One thing was for sure, he knew Ray had stepped over a line. But .. even though he was mad at him, he just couldn't bring himself to let go of the raven-haired man.

Norman's inner conflict had forced him to seclude for a while, but here Don was, persistent as ever.

"Alright. Just call me," the brunette added, before sauntering out the door. "You will, right?"

"Yes," Norman lied. "Whenever I need you."

Don smiled and left.

This left Norman to his own thoughts - what was he to do?

Even though Ray had acted rashly, he had still seemed so panicked and sorry back at the market ... plus, there was another reason why Norman just couldn't accept that he had to let go.

He didn't want to. He couldn't. Shouldn't. And wouldn't.

He had made up his mind. It was time to discuss it with the one and only: Ray himself.


"Why are you still here?" Norman sighed, eyeing Don. He had specifically told him to stay out of his affairs.

But when he'd reached the lobby and passed by the bar, Don had switched his shift to follow.

"I told you to call me if you left the house," Don argued.

"You told me to call you, period," Normam corrected. "I was gonna to call you. But not now; I'm still busy."

He sped up his pace as he exited the apartment block.

To his disappointment, Don kept following, the resilient bastard.

Hopefully he could ditch him at the train station.

Ray was out of town for a while, as he'd conveniently posted on his Instagram. Which gave Norman a good excuse to avoid Don for a while, and, in turn, his domestic conflict.

"Where are you going?" Don asked. "Let me come with you."

Norman gritted his teeth and turned on his heels, stopping abruptly. "Will you just stop?! I told you to give me space and you're clearly not listening."

"If you just tell me, I can help -"

"You can't help!" Norman continued speed-walking down the street.

"What's with the bag?" Don pulled on the straps of his Adventure Time backpack. "Norman, tell me where you're going."

"It's none of your business. Just leave me alone."

"Wait! Just listen for a second, please," Don pleaded.

Norman stopped but didn't turn back.

"I booked a holiday for us," Don said. "New York, next week. I thought it might help you unwind from whatever problems you're dealing with right now."

"And?" Norman muttered coolly, but inside his heart plummeted. A holiday with his boyfriend who he wasn't so sure he liked anymore was not what he needed.

But it would be rude to refuse, wouldn't it?

"You're coming, right?"

"I ... sure. Thank you, Don."

Don's face lit up. "You'll love it Norman, you really will!"

"Okay. Bye. Stay safe," Norman added.

"Bye! And don't do anything stupid." Don ran back the way he came from, presumably to his shift.

Norman pressed his back against a wall. He was so fucking tired right now.


"Um, one ticket for Tottori please," Norman asked awkwardly.

The man at the ticket booth raised an eyebrow. "You got an ID? You look pretty young to be travelling on your own."

"I'm twenty one," Norman mumbled under his breath, fumbling in his backpack.

"That might be the case, kid, but we still gotta be one hundred percent sure." The man breathed out a puff of his cigar into Norman's face. "We don't want minors taking the train across the country only to find out they've gone missing."

"It usually doesn't apply," Norman argued. "Kids take the train to school all the time."

"To school, yes," the ticket seller explained. "Not a five hour journey to the other side of Japan."

"You don't look a day older than sixteen," he added.

Norman internally cursed his fancy Korean skincare. And, of course, the fact that he was wearing an Adventure Time backpack. That might be it.

Fuck. No sign of his ID.

He glanced at the train tracks. Then glanced at the ticket booth. Then back at the tracks.

"You gonna hurry up, kid?" the guy asked, clearly annoyed. Norman snapped his head back at his voice.

"Just give me a second." Norman's voice trembled.

The train pulled up.

He had two options.

Option 1: head back to his house and miss the train, waiting possibly more than five hours for the next train and missing Ray.

Or, Option 2: the better option, the option he decided to go with.

As the guy at the ticket booth ducked his head behind the screening to write something down, Norman braced himself and made a run for it.

He'd never done something illegal before.

Shouts from behind him got louder while the white haired man ducked under the turnstiles, setting off all the alarms.

Regret coursed through his veins, but he couldn't stop now. Otherwise he would get arrested. That would stop him from seeing Ray.

Adrenaline seeped in, replacing regret.

He was totally going to get arrested. However, he could delay that by doing one thing: hopping onto the train.

The doors were still open. So he leapt in just as they closed behind him.

(A/N: This book is coming to a close soon! Honestly thought it would last forever. I'm happy to take requests for any scenes you'd like me to include as well as bonus chapters! Just don't try to control the flow of the plot or anything lol)

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