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"At some moments, dark may quench light, but in order to bring it back you have to light a spark of hope."

"He really is a great photographer," Emma continued to Norman. "You should see the photos he's taken of me! I look twice as pretty." Norman nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "I know Ray's a great photographer. He's-"

"He lets you call him by his first name?!"

"- my friend. I remember, on the first day we met he took a load of photos of me. They weren't even for the company. It's nice to know he's not their slave."

Emma nodded. She understood what Norman meant. Whenever a new model, or staff member, or photographer joined the organization, they became like Mr. Ratri's minions. They'd do anything he said. It was all like, 'Yes Mr. Ratri!' and 'Of course, Mr. Ratri'. Sometimes even, 'I'll do anything you want, Your Highness.'

Emma was sick of it. Sometimes she thought the only sane people were her, Norman and Krone. But since Ray had common sense, now he'd fallen under the list. Emma squealed out of pure delight, causing a few people to turn their heads. She stuck her tongue out at them. 

"What's wrong, Emma?"

Emma turned to see Norman's worried face. She giggled and patted him on the shoulder. "Nothing, Norman! I was just thinking - wouldn't it be great if you introduced me to Ray? Personally, I mean. We could be like a trio!"

"Aren't friend groups usually associated with children and teenagers? That sounds childish, Emma."  Emma pouted and put on her best puppy eyes. 

Norman sighed, giving in. "Fine. But be careful; he's a bit shy." Emma snickered. Her puppy eyes always worked. She'd put in a lot of time and effort, making sure her method was flawless. If she ever met someone who didn't give in to them, she'd be surprised. 

"Yeah, yeah! When can I meet him?" Emma was so excited, she almost forgot they were in work and she couldn't curse.

Norman shrugged and took out his phone to make plans on Google Calender. "I guess today... if he's available, of course. I'll ask."

Emma squealed and wrapped Norman in a hug. "Eek! Thank you so much." Norman laughed melodiously and smiled at her. "Sure, no problem. I was kind of going to ask Ray to hang out anyways. I guess we can bring you along, too."

Emma fake coughed in an offended way. It was mockery, of course. "Ahem, 'bring me along'? You should be lucky I'm even offering to come!"


Emma sat still, waiting for the photo to be taken. She'd hoped to be photographed by Ray so she could make an introduction. There was no luck in her attempts, though. Ray was off photographing a model that had recently arrived, and she was stuck with some amateur dude in a hot pink baseball cap. Occasionally he'd give her instructions, like 'tilt your head a little that way' and 'hand down there, please'. Emma snorted at the thought, almost upsetting her position. Ray hadn't needed her to do anything. He'd just take the photo, and it would already be perfect right then and there. No effort needed on her part. Although Norman usually said that was a bad thing.  Emma pretended she didn't know what he meant. 

Once the photographer was finished taking pictures of her, she headed down to the changing rooms to change into her everyday clothing. On her way she exchanged pleasantries with her coworkers. Once in the changing room, she stripped off her tight, uncomfortable designer dress and got into a pink sweater, simple brown work pants and flats. She had a half shift that day, so she would be heading straight home  to take a nice, warm shower. Norman had recently bought her pink suddsy bubble bath for Christmas. Emma wondered if it was okay to use in the shower, too. No matter - being Emma, she'd try it anyway.  


"Norman, I'm taking a fucking bubble-shower. What the hell do you want?" Emma said in an annoyed tone. She was dressed in a towel, since someone had the audacity to ring her in the middle of her peaceful shower. Yes, it had been chaotic and the bathroom was now covered in bubbles and suds, but atleast she'd gotten to play around in them naked. 

"Bubble-shower? Wha- actually, nevermind. I don't want to know."

Emma sighed. "You didn't answer the question. What. Do. You. Want?"

"Emma, it's Ray! He said he'd love to hang out and is on his way to the boba shop at this very moment."

"HOLY SHIT!" Emma wriggled free from her towel, and ran to her bedroom to get changed. 

"Emma. Emma? Emma, where are you? Are you still on the line-" BEEP

The bubble-shower was still running. Hopefully her roommates remembered to turn it off. 

A/N: What a surprise! I finally decided to do a POV change for once, besides Norman and Ray. I hope you enjoyed. I actually didn't expect anybody to read this book, but I'm glad some people think it's worth their time. I hope I did a good job.

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