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"Life is unfair, but doesn't that make it fair for everyone?"

Ray woke up squished between blankets and an unknown presence. At first he was pretty comfortable, until he realised one thing: this entity was as cold as a polar bear's freezer. Also, he had no idea what it was. Or who it was. The initial seemed to scare him more.

Ray was pretty sure it was a human. His face was squished against someone else's. Or... some sort of demon's. Then, the events of the other night came rushing back. He must have fallen asleep when Norman was preparing him food. That must be it.

Then, someone had broken into the apartment. And the idiot had decided it was a good idea to sleep in Ray's room. The poor person clearly hadn't heard of his wrath. He hated being woken up.

"Hey, what do you-" Ray's voice was cut off as he realised who was sleeping beside him. "Ah.... it's just you." He ruffled his friend's hair playfully. It was just Norman. Silly Ray, assuming the worst.

He tried to get away from the tangle of blankets, but Norman's body squished him to the side of the couch. "Oi! Snowman bastard, let me out!"

Norman was still asleep. "And you said you were a light sleeper," Ray mumbled, remembering their conversation from a while ago. He climbed over the top of the sofa, finally reaching freedom.

Until he toppled onto the cold apartment floor with a loud groan. "Ugh, seriously?" he complained.  Norman, who had previously insisted on sleeping heavily, poked his head over the couch. "You good?" he asked in a tired voice. Ray immediately turned on him. "Hey, you! Why didn't you put me to sleep on the bed instead of the couch? Also, why were you sleeping beside me?"

Norman rubbed his eyes. "I didn't want to disturb you since you were already asleep on the sofa. I sat beside you but I guess I fell asleep myself."

Ray nodded. He knew that Norman's intentions were good. He hadn't had many friends to compare him to. "Ah..." Norman muttered. Ray turned and followed the man's gaze to a meal on the side table. "Your food is cold. I meant to wake you up but....."

"It's okay," Ray assured him. "I'll heat it up in the microwave." He grabbed the tray carefully from the side and walked towards the kitchenette, Norman at his back. "It's twelve in the afternoon!" Norman noted in surprise. "How long did we sleep?"

"Dunno," was Ray's answer. They'd reached the kitchen, so he popped the tray into the microwave and set it for two minutes. "I'm lazy when it comes to math." Norman laughed. "Yeah."

Once the food was all warmed up, Ray took it out of the microwave and sat down at the kitchen table to eat. The food was tasty and Ray believed he hadn't eaten anything so delicious ever in his life. Except for the time Norman had made him pancakes. Nothing could beat those.

"I guess I'll go back to my room," Norman said. Ray nodded, then frowned. "Actually, can I come too? I want to see which episodes of Adventure Time you have."

Norman groaned. He was obviously embarrassed. "Maybe we can watch them together," Ray added, which made his friend perk up. "Ah, okay," he said. "Follow me then."

Ray picked up his tray of fried rice and miscellaneous ingredients and began to follow Norman out of the door. When they entered the hallway, Ray made sure to lock his suite door behind them. He didn't want someone breaking in for real. Unless they were hot, of course.

They walked five steps and came to room sixty-three. "Here we are," Norman announced, fumbling for his keys. In the meantime, Ray took a few bites out of his stir fry.

The door swung open and Norman stepped inside, holding the door open for Ray. "Ladies first."

"I'm not a lady," Ray protested angrily.

"Well, you sure are privileged enough to be one," Norman muttered. "I heard that!"

Ray made a small sound of annoyance. "Technically, you went in first so you're the lady here, I'm afraid."

He smirked and trudged into Norman's room. He immediately spotted the Adventure Time boxset. It was in pride of place in the middle of the coffee table. Norman must watch it a lot, thought Ray.

"So, which episode do you want to watch?" Ray asked. He decided to let Norman choose, since he'd kind of forced the idea on the poor guy earlier.

"Uhm... I don't know. I recently watched some of my favourite episodes, so maybe one I haven't watched in a while...." Norman's voice trailed off.

"Hey Ray, would you like to exchange numbers?"

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