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"Never stop learning, because life will never stop teaching."

Ray despised Don. As soon as he saw that sharp jaw, innocent eyes and caramel skin he hated him with passion. Don was hot, he was but Ray had priorities. His priorities were Norman. He couldn't afford to lose his best friend.

As the two men awkwardly lounged on Ray's couch, Norman quietly suggested they watch a movie. Ray nodded and went to get the popcorn. He could hear the shuffling of blankets coming from the living area. Norman was probably making a nest in the blankets.

He did that sometimes, much to Ray's delight. He could take such cute pictures while Norman was in that position.

A few minutes later, he went back to the living area and found that Norman was indeed snuggled up warm in a pile of assorted blankets. "Did you take every blanket in my place? I don't even recognise some of those!"

"Yeah," Norman replied, opening his eyes and grabbing the popcorn from Ray. Some of it spilled over the edge of the bowl and onto the floor.

"Ah, Norman-" Ray sighed. "It's fine, we'll clean that up later." He eyed the pile of blankets and overdramatised a shiver. Norman raised his eyebrows. "No. The blankets are mine..."

"C'mere, give me some!" Norman shrieked as Ray tackled him, knocking the popcorn onto the floor and spilling half the contents. "Look what you've done, you little rat!" Ray said jokingly.

"That was your fault, I did nothing-"

"Am I interrupting something?"

The two men turned to find Emma standing over them. "How do you keep getting in?!" Ray groaned. Emma giggled. "You left the door open yet again! You two really need to learn to lock the door before you do naughty stuff." Ray's eyes widened and he covered his face with the blanket.

"Naughty stuff?" Norman asked, obviously confused. "Like... what?"

"Ha ha, she doesn't mean it," Ray said awkwardly. "She meant like..."

"Pfft, what are you doing? It's not like Norman's innocent," Emma laughed. "I heard about your sugar daddy." She turned to Norman. He blushed. "Oh? Don's not my 'sugar daddy'."

Ray gritted his teeth and tried to play along with the joke. "Yeah, ha ha. Like we'll believe that, Norman..." His voice trailed off as he noticed Emma was giving him an amused look. She can see right through me, he thought. Ray felt his face heat up as he tried to keep a calm composition.

"Anyway, about the naughty stuff. Is Ray good at it-?" Emma started.

"EMMA, HA HA. How about you get us  some more popcorn?" Ray glared at Emma, sweating profusely. She rolled her eyes, winked at him, then sashayed to the kitchenette to heat up some popcorn.

There was an awkward silence between Ray and Norman. Ray was still a blushing, incoherent mess. "Oh, uhm.. did you know microwaveable popcorn is bad for your health?"

"Really?" Ray asked, trying to sound interested.

"Yeah," Norman whispered. "Ray?" Ray glanced at him, trying to read the expression on his face. "Do you... not like Don?" Ray blanched. Norman had caught him off guard.

"Uhm- well, uh... h-he's fine, I guess.. I don't really... I love him!"

Realisation dawned on Norman's face. "You... love... him?"

"Ah! No, I mean... I'm uh... straight," Ray blurted, knowing damn well he wasn't straight. "And... do you wanna hang out in a few days? Y'know, just spend some time together?"

Norman smiled, seeming  to forget about Ray's dramatic outburst. "I'd love to," he said calmly. "Thank you, Ray."

Ray's cheeks heated up. "Oh.. no problem. Would you uh... like to stay the night?"

Norman thought it over for a while. Ray bit his fingernails, hoping his proposal would be accepted. "Mm," Norman finally replied sleepily. "Yes please."

"Great!" Ray cried enthusiastically.

Emma popped her head in from the kitchen. "Oh, are you two gonna take it a step further? Just don't be to loud, some of us are trying to sleep."

"Huh?!" Norman seemed to finally understand what Emma was suggesting. Ray covered his face yet again. "Emma..." Norman started. "Don't... say stuff like that. I have a boyfriend, y'know. And..." He seemed to have difficulty saying the next part.

"Ray's... straight; he's just a friend to me." Pain choked at Ray's chest. He squeezed his eyes shut to try and numb the pain. To make himself feel better. Norman obviously didn't know how much he meant to him, or he wouldn't have said that. Just a friend.

Emma's voice interrupted the voice in his head. "Ray... straight? Nah, he doesn't give me those vibes. He seems to really like you, Norman."

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