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"You never start off with skill. You start off thinking you have skill, and you have to fight to get to the top."

"Ray, hurry your ass; we're gonna be late!"

Ray snorted. "Oh my, did the mighty Norman just say a bad word?"

"Seriously, it's not funny."

"We're already late, you know."

Norman paused, then continued his argument. "So? The later we are, the more trouble we'll be in!"

"You're literally making me slower by talking to me," Ray pointed out, spooning another mouthful of plain-tasting oat porridge into his mouth. He winced, forcing himself to swallow it.

"How long does it take you to finish breakfast?" Norman complained, finally taking a seat to calm down. Ray tried to give him a calming look, but Norman was fuming.

"You ever thought of having a spa day or something?" Ray mumbled; there was still food in his mouth which made it hard for him to talk.

"Actually, Ray! Please finish faster."

Ray didn't reply. He placed down his spoon and picked up the bowl, chugging the oats like water. When he turned back to Norman, expecting him to be proud, the man had disappeared.

Ray knew Norman well enough to know where he was. Exactly, at all times. He had placed a tracker in his ear so he could tell. Just kidding, of course. But Ray could invest in it in the future, as a Plan B.

Sure enough, when he'd locked the door to the apartment, Norman was waiting in the hallway. "It  didn't trick you at all, did it?" the white-haired man sighed.

"Why would I think you'd left me?" Ray snorted. "I know what you're like by

"That quickly?"

"Yup," Ray replied modestly. "It's my special talent."


They arrived at work just on time, although they had to rush to get to their assigned buildings. The studio was huge. Ray still got lost after working here for so long; he shivered as he thought about how it had been before.

Usually work would be stressful, but Ray was glad to get away from things for once. It was a completely normal work day: he took photos, chatted with Emma - he didn't see Norman once. But he was unusually glad, his addiction would do well to lay low for a bit.

He needed to stop his unhealthy obsession with Norman. The dude had a boyfriend, he had to respect that. It hurt Ray that he'd thought he'd actually had a chance. Norman was his first friend and Ray..  loved him. He loved everything about him.

A rush of emotions hit him. Ray swore to try harder. He wouldn't give up. Surely Don hadn't just gotten with Norman by magic. He needed to do something. Which meant one thing: consulting the devil himself.


"How was work, Ray?" Gilda asked cheerfully as he strolled through the front doors to the apartment building.

"It was good," Ray said, smiling. He walked to reception to have a deeper conversation. "How is yours so far? Get to talk to Emma yet?"

"Not yet," Gilda confessed, blushing. "But uhm.. I'm sure I'll see her soon."

"Yeah," Ray agreed as he strummed his fingers on the counter. "Listen, a favour."

Gilda raised her eyebrows. "Sure," she said carefully. "Well.. it depends on what you need. I'm not sure I can help with your love life, if that's what you're asking. I was never a good wing-woman."

"No, it's not like that don't worry," Ray assured her. "I'll sort out my own love life my own way. Which is why I want you to bring me to Don."

"Don.. which Don?" Gilda asked. "What for?"

"The bartender. Norman's.. 'boyfriend'." Ray knew how clear the spite in his voice was, but he couldn't care less.

"Oh... oh, right." Gilda looked around and then dropped her voice to a whisper. "To be honest, I don't think he's the one for Norman. I've known  Don practically my whole life. You'd be a much better fit to Norman, you know."

"What, as in sex?" Ray asked absentmindedly. "Because out of curiosity who are you suggesting to top..?"

"Fuck off, Ray!"

Ray laughed. "Who knew sweet Gilda could say bad words like that?"

"I'll bet you five bucks I curse more than Norman," Gilda deadpanned.

"Honey, everyone curses more than Norman. Even the goldfish I kept as a child was naughtier."

Gilda giggled. "So I guess that's a 'no' to the gambling?"


"Coolbeans," Gilda said, nodding. "I'll show you to Don."

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