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"Somtimes the things you hold on to the tightest are the things you need to let go of the most."

"Emma, what are you on about?" Norman sighed. "I already have a boyfriend! I don't need a new one."

"C'mon," Emma whined. She pouted her lips and gave Norman her best puppy eyes, but for once he wasn't going to fall for them. "No," he insisted. "I don't get why you don't like Don!"

It was a sunny afternoon and Emma and Norman were sitting outside their local café, sipping at their drinks. Although they'd arrived over an hour ago, Norman had barely gotten through half of his chai latte. He was too busy talking to Emma about his non-existent love life.

"I don't not like Don, I just think there are better guys out there, that's all," Emma assured him, swinging back in her creaky metal chair and almost toppling over on top of the tourists sitting behind her. That would have been amusing.

Wait.. amusing?! Norman sighed; he was practically turning into Ray at this point! He wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a good thing or not.

"I even had someone in mind," Emma added, grinning cheekily. "I was on the phone with Gilda about twenty minutes ago.. you know, when I got that phone call?"

"What's Gilda got to do with this?" Norman asked. His eyes narrowed. Everyone was trying to set him up these days.

"She recommended you get with a certain someone," Emma chuckled. "She's so thoughtful.." Emma's eyes glazed over as her thoughts began to wander.

Norman almost gagged. Jeez, people these days were so sappy! He didn't want to act like a kid about it, but to be honest, he didn't act like that around Don so he didn't understand why other people acted like that.

"Emma, I think I'm more interested in your plans for my love life than your fantasies about Gilda, actually!" he muttered just loud enough for Emma to snap out of it. "Right," Emma said. She looked guilty for zoning out. Norman silently forgave her. 

"Anyway, Gilda recommended somebody and I was hoping I could set you two up on a blind date," Emma said excitedly. "Just to see if you're compatible, that's all." Her voice was reassuring. 

"Maybe.." Norman faltered. "But Don wouldn't let me."

Emma frowned. "He's your boyfriend, not your mom! I know he might feel a little bit doubtful about it but if he truly loves you he will support you in finding your one true love!" she declared.

"Emma, 'one true love' is a fairytale term," Norman sighed. "It's not a real thing." He wished it was, he really did. But the more he thought about it the more he felt certain it was absolute rubbish.

"Why don't you give Don a ring?" Emma suggested. "He's actually talking with R- with somebody at the moment but I'm sure he won't mind."

"Uhm.. okay," Norman replied, though he was still doubtful. Would Don really be OK with this?

Nonetheless, he opened contacts and scrolled down until he found Don's number, simply labelled "Don". He wasn't like Emma, who had Gilda labelled as "Baby 😍😘" even though they weren't even dating yet.

The phone rang for a brief moment, and then Don's voice broadcasted from the other side. "Norman!" he said, sounding relieved. "Why didn't you answer my text?"

"Oh.." Norman's voice stopped.

He'd actually been avoiding hanging out with Don because he'd wanted to spend time with Ray instead. But instead of saying that (and sounding like a priss) he said: "Sorry, I was having tea with Emma and I forgot to reply.."

"Oh. Soo is Tuesday a good time to go on a date? I was actually thinking of bringing you to this fancy restaurant near-"

"Don," Norman interrupted. He hadn't meant to sound so serious,  but atleast it had grabbed Don's attention. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Oh." Don went silent for a moment, then he said, "Really? About what?"

"I.. I'm having doubts about our relationship," Norman blurted out.

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