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"A life lived in love will never be dull."

Norman took a deep breath."Today was the day. The day of the blind date. The day Norman faced his-"

"NORMAN, HURRY UP OR I'M LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" Emma shouted from the kitchen.

"I'M COMING!" Norman screamed, cracking his smooth narration in half. He was of course, standing still and making no effort to move his legs.

He fiddled with the button on his shirt. "Fucking close," he mumbled.

Huh. Looked like Ray's use of bad language all the time was affecting him. If only he and Ray were going on a blind da.. nevermind. Norman reminded himself to beat his own ass later.

He took a good, long look at himself in the mirror. Norman was wearing a crisp, white dress shirt under a woolly beige-gray cardigan. His pants were light gray and he wore white socks and black heeled boots.

Tied on his collar was a white, satin bow that just went down to his waist. He'd gotten if for free when he had modeled for a Korean women's fashion brand. The female model they had booked was out sick and they had no choice but to use Norman as their model instead.

Norman had been mortified, but his agent (who was not Hayato back then, as Norman kept having to mention) had insisted as the pay was huge.

Emma hadn't stopped laughing at him for weeks.

Norman had to sit their and "look pretty" for the camera in a skirt, bow and ruffled blouse, all with a smile on his face. He hoped they weren't still using that to advertise their business. Even more so, he hoped Ray didn't come across it. He would never shut up if he found that photo. Norman wouldn't hear the end of it for about three years.

That didn't mean Norman didn't like the bow. In fact, it was quite his style. Not fem enough for people to start chasing him through the streets, but also cute enough that it improved his outfit.

"NORMAN, I'M GOING!" Emma shouted. Norman heard her shut the door. "No, wait! I'm coming!" he called.

He mussed up his hair so it stuck up and then sprinted down the stairs to see Emma still standing there. "Emma," he sighed. "I thought you'd left me!"

"Of course not, silly!" Emma giggled. "You look good." She gave him a 'pat' on the back, which involved hitting him so hard she probably broke his spine. "I like the bow." Emma gave him a grin.

"Oh. Yeah."


When they arrived at the restaurant (a fancy Japanese cuisine place) Emma insisted there was a pride flag placed in the room she had reserved.

"How do you think they'll install the bar?" Norman asked, cracking up as a huge iron pole was dragged into the private booth.

"They'll find a way," Emma assured him. "I know the owner of this place, great girl.. really pretty. I'd date her if she was gay, but ugh.. she's straight."

Norman laughed. "You're so desperate you'd date anyone."

"Hey, if this date doesn't work out between you and R..." Emma paused. "If this date doesn't work out, then I'll set you and her up. How about it?"

"That'd be rude," Norman intervened. "No."

"How is that rude- ?" Emma started, but was interrupted as the staff gave a quick bow.

"All done," she said. It was referring to the curtain.

The sides of Norman's mouth twitched but he didn't say anything. Internally, he was laughing his ass off.

This date was doomed.


"What the fuck." It wasn't a question.

Norman blanched and decided to rethink some of his previous analogies.

Number 1: he didn't regret going on this date at all.

Number 2: this date was doomed.

Number 3: he didn't wish Ray was here anymore.

All of these, for what reason?

Well, simple. Ray was, in fact, here. On a date.

With him.

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