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"When life tries to double bluff you, the only way to win is to keep moving forward."

It was three o' clock in the morning and as usual, Norman was struggling to go to sleep. He was determined to rest his tired eyes, but with each passing minute and each long, painful hour he was becoming impatient.

Lambda Productions had recently contacted him about a modelling job. Apparently, they were hiring this world-class photographer to work in the studio for the new edition of Neverland (a fashion magazine) and wanted him to be there today so he could meet the guy in person.

As soon as the thoughts flooded his mind, Norman squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into his pillow.  He was an overthinker, that was the problem. Norman's mind was overactive and much too smart, therefore he couldn't concentrate enough to go to sleep. It usually didn't bother him but for the past few months he just couldn't fall asleep.

His councillor told him that he needed to keep it together, that a lack of sleep was not a good thing for a model to experience. The guy had explained how crucial it was to rest. He had then proceeded to tell Norman that it could end his career if he didn't pull it together. Geez, like that helped.

Norman laid his head on his pillow and desperately tried to pretend that he was, infact, asleep.


It was the morning of the meeting at Lambda Productions. Norman had tried to keep his outfit minimal but his agent had insisted on getting dressy. When he'd suggested a cardigan to go over the silk shirt the man had given him, Norman was sure he saw smoke coming out of the guy's ears. "Cardigans are for eating at McDonald's and walking a dog in the muddy park! You want to wear that to a meeting?" he'd muttered in his Hungarian accent.

Norman had been kind of annoyed, since in his opinion cardigans were the best but he pretended to not take any notice.

His agent drove him to the studio and parked down the back in the employee section. Norman got out and braced himself against the cool wind. He shivered a bit, but he didn't really mind. Growing up, he had always been more prone to cold weather than his friends, often staying inside with a cold while the others had fun in the snow.

His mother at the orphanage used to make such a fuss about it. She'd wrap him up warm and make him sit down and watch a movie with her. Even now, he could hear the voice of his agent shouting, "Mr. Minerva! Put on a coat at once; you'll catch your death of a cold."

Norman begrudgingly took his baby blue designer coat from the car and wrapped himself up in it.

When he got inside, he tried to take it off, but his agent, Hayato, insisted he keep it on.

Norman sat at the meeting conference, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt collar as he waited for the rest of the atendees to file in.

Once everyone was seated, the owner of productions, Mr.Ratri, cleared his throat and started to talk. Norman wasn't really paying attention.

His eyes were on a black-haired boy about his age - maybe a small  bit older? Whatever age he was, Norman's subconscious and conscious  both told him the same thing - this guy was handsome.

Norman was used to people telling him he was handsome (which he never really believed) but he thought this boy was much more good-looking. His eyes especially.

Eyes such a dark, deep green they were almost black. They looked like they could fish the deepest secrets from your soul.

Norman came to the conclusion that  he must be the new photographer.

His suspicions were confirmed when Mr.Ratri said, loud enough for him to snap back to reality, "This is Ray Grace. He will be working as a photographer here for the next month or so."

The man glared around at everyone, and his eyes fell on Norman. "I hope you will all get along with him. Especially you, Mr. Minerva."

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