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"Love and hate may be different, but they both travel along the same path."

"Ah, sure," Ray said awkwardly, brushing his raven bangs from his face.  "That's no problem.... since we're friends, and all."

"Heh, yeah," Norman replied stiffly. Since when had the room been so stuffy? He grabbed a random CD from his Adventure Time boxset and flipped to a random episode. "This one okay?" he asked Ray, just to confirm. His friend nodded.

"Mm... so, here's my number." Ray had productively scribbled a series of digits on a table napkin. "Thanks, Ray!" Norman said enthusiastically. Ray smiled at him - a rare occurrence.

"I'll make some popcorn," Ray told him. "You sit on the couch and relax for now." Norman tried to protest, but Ray's glare stopped him. He plopped down on to the couch. As Ray left to get butter popcorn from the kitchen, Norman studied the numbers the man had given him.

"Huh, he drew a smiley face," Norman noted. "How sweet." He slipped the note into his pocket, flexing his fingers.

Ray had returned. "Oh, you made popcorn that quickly?" Norman asked. "I put it on the pan," Ray replied earnestly. "No biggie." He set down the pink plastic bowl full of buttered popcorn and sat beside his friend. A bit too close for Norman's comfort, but of course he didn't say anything.

"Here, need a blanket?" Ray asked. He grabbed a kilt from the side drawer and tried to wrap Norman in it, but the taller man pushed it away. "Uhm, no thanks, Ray," he told him. "Just watch the episode, okay? Don't worry about me."

"How the flying fuck can I watch it if you haven't even turned it on yet?"


Ray smirked, and while Norman was distracted he spread the blanket over the both of them. Norman didn't complain. He knew by now that Ray wouldn't stop until he got his way.

"Who's your favourite character, Norman?" Ray asked.


"Hah, basic," Ray teased. "You like the main character."

Sighing, Norman clicked the button to start the Adventure Time episode. "Oh, it's the Minecraft one!" He said happily. "I thought I lost that!"

Ray snickered. "Didn't know you were such an Adventure Time nerd, huh?"

"Shut up, let me watch," Norman said, eyes on the TV. Ray averted his eyes towards the television too. He stuffed his hand in the popcorn bucket and came out with a big handful. He happily stuffed it into his mouth.

Norman dipped his hand in too, and squealed when it was met with another. "Ah, what the hell?!"

"There's a hand in the popcorn bowl!" Ray whispered in horror.

"You feel it too?" Norman asked.

"What... true love?" "No, idiot, the hand!"

Norman swiped his hand from the bowl hastily. "The hand is gone," Ray said in confusion. Norman stared at him. How was the hand gone? Unless....

"Ack!" He face palmed at his own stupidity.

"What?" The raven asked.

"We were talking about each other's hands!"

They both groaned.

"Hah, so basically you guys were holding hands in the popcorn bowl! How cute!"

Someone was in the suite.

Ray screamed. Norman hid under the blanket and grabbed a steak knife from the counter. He was soon joined by Ray underneath the blanket.

"Who are you?" Ray shouted timidly.

"Oooooh, a ghost... BOO!"

Norman shrieked and clutched Ray in terror. Ray held on to him just as tight. Suddenly, the blanket was torn from above them and flew into the air. "BOO!" Norman closed his eyes in terror.....

"Emma?!" Came Ray's voice. Norman squeezed his eyes open. "Huh..."

The Adventure Time CD blared in the background as Norman stared shellshocked at the person standing before them. "Emma?"

"Yeah, hehe," Emma chuckled as she brushed her orange bangs from her face.

"How did you get in?" Norman asked.

"You left the door open," Emma said plainly. "NorRay party-"

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