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"Hatred is like a disease, spread from person to person."


"Wait.. you're telling me that they'll give me free accomodation just because I'm an employee?" Norman squinted. He shoved the laptop in Ray's face like, 'just for good measure'.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying." Ray thought the apartment that Lambda had offered him looked to good to be true. There were balconies, an outdoor swimming pool and even a games room in the lobby, which served free alcohol at morning hours.

The room looked even better. It had an an-suite, a snack table and a flat-screen TV. The bed looked heavenly.

"So, do I have to pay for food?" Norman nodded and said, "Breakfast is free to some extent, but you'll have to pay to get other food items. Alcohol is also free - though I wouldn't be allowed to have any."

"Huh? Why not?" To Ray, alcohol was one of those things that made you feel young. "It's bad for your health. Especially if you're a model. No wine for me."

"Really? But you do seem to whine a lot." Norman cringed. "Ray, that was a seriously bad pun."

Ray chuckled, smirking. The laptop lay forgotten, threatening to fall of the side of the bed. "See what I mean? There you go, whining again!"

Norman ignored him and went back to the computer. "Hmm... there's a room available on the third floor. Oh! You should take this one actually,  it's on the fourth floor, which is the best. And.. it's right next to mine."

"Oh, joy. As if you weren't annoying enough." Norman's eye twitched. He said nothing, although his fingers paused, hovering over the keypad.

Ray took the laptop from Norman. "So, I just send them a request for the room, right?"


"Mm, tasty! You sure you don't want any?" Ray nodded. When he'd offered to cook Norman something to eat, he hadn't expected him to enjoy it so much. Spaghetti and meatballs were laid on a chipped porcelain plate. A glass of Kool-Aid sat on Norman's right side, half drank.

Norman for some reason really liked the Kool-Aid. Ray had pointed out that he was also fond of first-aid, so maybe that was where his liking had come from. Norman had given him a wack on the nose. Ray just called him weak and insulted his skinny arms.

Currently, Norman had demolished most of the spaghetti and was finishing the remnants. He slurped up the last mouthful with a delighted grin.

"Thank you so much, Ray!" Ray gave him a slight nod of his head. "Did you bring clothes?"

Norman opened his mouth and closed it again. "Ahm, no. I'll just sleep in what I'm wearing-"

"Huh? Nonsense - you can borrow some of mine." Norman beamed and walked over to the sink to wash his plate. Scrubbing away, he said, "You're so kind, Ray! And here I was thinking you were heartless."

"Hah, I'm not doing this out of kindness. I just want to see what you look like in extra-extra-extra-large emo pajamas. Skinny arms."

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