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"With great power comes great responsibility."

"You probably got one of the best rooms around," Norman agreed, and patted Ray on the shoulder. He nodded and gave a smile.

"You need help with those?" Norman asked. Without waiting for an answer he grabbed the three big suitcases from Ray and plopped them on the queen sized bed. "They gave me a really big bed," Ray noted. Norman nodded. "It is pretty big, but it's the standard for the suites here." His friend gaped at him.

"The... standard?"

"Mhm," Norman chided. He made himself comfortable on Ray's new bed, stretching out leisurely. "Hey!" Ray squealed, and tried pull him off. "Get off, you're infecting my new bed with your germs." Norman laughed and sat up. This seemed to satisfy Ray - he backed off and sat beside Norman, resting his head on the man's shoulder.

Norman blushed but said nothing. He started to rummage around Ray's stuff. "What's this?" He asked, as he pulled out a folder filled with photographs. Ray seemed to panic and lifted his head off Norman's shoulder. "Nothing!" He said. He frantically pulled the folder out of Norman's arms. Norman stared at him, confused. What was Ray hiding?

"Okay," he said despite his suspicions. "So, do you need my help unpacking?" Ray nodded, the beads of swear trickling down his face becoming lesser. Norman took the first suitcase, which was the biggest. Ray took the second suitcase which was medium-sized. Norman started to rummage around and sort the stuff into piles. It looked like Ray had just randomly stuffed things in. "Did you even organise this?" He had to ask.

Ray laughed dryly. "No."

They continued to unpack his stuff. It was forty-five minutes before the two men had finished. Norman sighed and buried his face in Ray's new pillow. "Oi! Don't do that, you're going to make it smell like your breath!"

"Fresh?" Norman murmured. "Smelly," Ray conceded. Norman removed his face from the pillow and sat up. "I can make you dinner if you want," he said to Ray. His friend smiled. "Thanks. That would be nice."

Norman nodded and set off for Ray's kitchenette. It was a pretty small space to work with. "Ray!" Norman called to the other room. "Yeah?" Came Ray's shout.

"Would you like stir fry?" He asked. "Sure! That's the only thing you can think of to make, isn't it?"

"Ha, right," Norman admitted sheepishly. He heard Ray laugh in the other room and couldn't help smiling. He liked it when Ray was happy. It made him happy, and all fluttery inside. He wanted to jump out of a window, but in a good way.

Norman began to prepare the food. He went back to his own room and brought back the ingredients and spices he needed. He had some leftover rice from the other day. Norman put the rice on the pan and began to cook it. He let it simmer for a bit while he was cutting the vegetables, then proceeded to crack two eggs into the pan. Norman scrambled it and added in the chopped greens and raw bacon, which he let cook before finishing.

He added the spices, mixed it and turned off the stove. Taste test: Ray would love it. Norman put it on a plate and brought the meal out to his friend. "Ray?" he asked, peeking round the doorway.

"Oh..." Ray had fallen asleep on the couch. Norman giggled. His friend looked pretty cute, sprawled out like that and so oblivious. A tiny bit of drool trickled down his chin.

Norman left the meal on the side table and got a blanket from the side cupboard. He remembered unpacking it earlier with Ray.

He crept over to the sleeping man, spreading the blanket over him. Norman made sure to tuck him in. There. Ray should be comfy now.

Norman eyed the stir fry, still warm and laying on the side untouched. He didn't want to wake up Ray. I'll let him sleep, Norman decided. If he doesn't wake up in the next few hours I'll wake him myself.

That was a good plan. Norman sat beside Ray and stroked his head. Ray let out an angry snore and pushed Norman's hand away with his forehead. Norman sighed and got in the blankets with Ray. The heating had been out for the past few days and he was starting to get cold. Besides, it wasn't like he'd fall asleep.... would he?

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