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"When the days are longer, pain is persistent. When the days are shorter, pain is worse."

"So, Ray," Emma said as she sipped her ube bubble tea lightly. "What made you choose a major in photography?"

Ray shrugged. He looked a tad uncomfortable at being asked so many questions, but answered anyways. "Well, I did try modelling-"

"Rightly so!" Emma cried. "Have you seen you?"

"-but the stress was too much for me, so I ended up ditching it. I realized my true passion was in photography, I guess. So I put in hard work and studied."

Emma stared in awe. She knew modelling was stressful. Ray had been brave enough to give up an honorable job. What had society thought of him?

Of course, Emma didn't care what society thought about her. She was Emma.

"Hmm, interesting," Norman fretted. He still had his boba straw in his mouth. Ray looked away and mumbled something along the lines of 'yeah of course, stupid'.

"Hey, Ray, what's your type?"

Ray raised an eyebrow. "You mean his blood type?" Norman asked, confused.

"No, like, the type of person he'd want to be in a relationship with." To answer Emma's question, Ray shrugged. "I'm not really sure. I dated this blonde girl in high school. She always wore her hair in plaits. But she was kind of needy and always telling me what to do, so we broke up.

"Not gonna say she's the type of girl I'd like to be in a relationship with nowadays."

Emma nodded. A thought had sprung to her mind. She glanced at Norman, smirking. "What about guys?"

Ray questioned, "What do you mean?"

"Would you consider dating a guy?"

Ray narrowed his eyes. "I mean, yeah. Why do you ask." His tone implied it wasn't a question.

Emma gave him a cheeky grin. "Well, just for.. purposes."

"She's gonna match-make you with someone," Norman cut in. He'd been quiet for a long time. Norman usually just listened. Emma couldn't understand why. "Better watch your back, Ray."

"Apparently, Emma's going to find me a supposed lover. I mean, what the fuck," Ray mumbled to himself. He was sprawled on his bed, contemplating Emma and her stupid idea. He didn't need a lover. He was perfectly fine on his own.

As was Emma, as was Norman.

"Stupid Emma, getting involved with my love life."

He took a giant daisy from his nightstand.

"Stupid Norman, saying it was okay."

PLUCK as he tore out a petal.

"Stupid love life!"


"Stupid job, stupid life!"


"Stupid Krone, badly editing my photos!"


"Stupid Peter Ratri and his stupid company!"



PLUCK        PLUCK   ...     PLUCK....

He'd ran out of petals to take his anger out on. Ray didn't know why he was so angry. Maybe what Emma wanted to do was right. Maybe he did need a lover. It would certainly take his mind off of other things. His mother included.

He got to his feet and started to change into his bed clothes. He was facing a long day of work tomorrow.

As he was getting into bed, he received a phone call from - you guessed it! - Norman Minerva.

Ray groaned and picked up the phone. Quickly, he chimed out a cheerful, "Hello?"

"Ray! I wasn't sure you would be awake."

Ray rolled his eyes. "Well, I am, dummy. What's the problem?"

Norman chuckled. "Straight to the point, I see. Tomorrow you're moving in! I can't wait. Aren't you excited?"

"Yeah, I am," Ray said happily. Norman's call had improved his mood.

"Have you started packing yet?"

"....." Ray was silent.

"Hello? Ray, are you still there? Ray. Why does everyone keep ignoring me? I bet you'll hang up on me in-" BEEP BEEP

Ray spent that night packing. Sleep was overrated, anyways.

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