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"How am I supposed to concentrate when you're distracting me by telling me to concentrate?"

A boba shop? Ray had only been to a boba shop a few times, and even then the standards weren't that high. Norman had said the boba shop in the area was pretty good, though. He would trust his 'friend's' advice. About that - Mr. Ratri had seemed so sure they were friends. He also knew about Norman's staying over the other night. Maybe he'd seen Norman collecting Ray, and then Ray coming over with him in his car the next morning. That ought to be it.

Ray collected himself and took a moment to admire himself in the mirror. Norman had said he was bringing his friend Emma with them. The Emma that Ray was photographing. Ray pocketed his digital camera. He would string it around his neck later, for aesthetic.

"I look okay, I guess," Ray said to himself. He'd tried to wear something nice, but ordinary too. Ray had chosen a white blouse and a black leather aviator jacket, along with black ripped jeans and white sneakers. Hopefully Norman liked it....

And Emma, of course! He was doing this to impress Emma. To show one of the agency's top models he was classy and proffesional. Not for Norman.

He adjusted the collar on his jacket. Ray decided the outfit was fine. He took his brown duffel bag from his desk and made his way out of the door, making sure to lock it behind him. Ray wouldn't be living in this house for a while now. Lambda Productions had sent him an email accepting his request for a suite in the apartment. They were cleaning and organising the reservations for him at that very moment. Ray would move in after two days time.

Norman had been so excited when Ray had told him about his moving in. He'd also invited Ray to hang out with him and Emma, which Ray had accepted. Not that he was happy about it. It had taken a lot of bribing to convince Ray. Norman owed him six favours and counting.

Once Ray had arrived at Norman's destination, he took a seat in the far corner of the café and waited. He was twenty minutes early. Norman and Emma would arrive soon. He took a look at his surroundings. The boba shop was decorated nicely, and filled with sweet scents. There was a kid celebrating her birthday in the far corner. Which reminded Ray that his birthday was only a week and a bit away. He watched carefully as the girl unwrapped a giant unicorn plush and gave it a big hug. 'Happy Birthday!' banners decorated the wall in that area of the shop.

"Oh, hello, Ray! I didn't expect to see you here so early." Ray heard a giggle from over his shoulder and turned to face none other than Norman Minerva. "Oh, I uhm... just decided to come over early. You know me," he laughed, "always acting like a gay - RAY! I mean Ray.. I meant Ray! Ha, ha."

Norman gave him a confused look. "Uh... okay? Anyways, Emma's probably going to be late so I guess it's just us two." Ray nodded and kept his confusion under the surface. What was the point of being a model if you were always late? He knew he shouldn't assume things, but Emma had been late to his first photoshoot, too. It kind of gave her a reputation for tardiness.

He chatted with Norman half-heartedly for a bit. When he was just starting to get bored, forty minutes after the agreed time, Emma came bursting through the doors of the boba shop. She startled a few customers and ran through the crowd like a charging bull. When Emma spotted Norman and Ray, she sprinted over. "Norman! Am I late?"

"Geez, I wonder!" Ray said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Emma's eyes widened. "Ray," Norman warned in a stern voice. But since he was Norman and his voice was soft and gentle, Ray didn't really get frightened. He did get frightened, however, when Emma pounced on him like a mother leopard. He shrieked. "Ack! What the hell?"

Norman laughed. "You better get used to it; she does this often. We should order now. What do you want, Emma?"

Emma got off Ray and put on her 'I'm-deep-in-thought' face. "Ehm, can I have an ube bubble tea and a moon cake, please?" Norman nodded. He turned to Ray.

"Do you know what to order, Ray, or would you like to see the menu?"

Ray shook his head. He'd had boba once before and just decided to stick with that. "Matcha boba with a stick of natural matcha."

"What's the magic word?"

"You're a prick; give me my food."

Norman told the waiter their orders (along with his which was peppermint flavoured). They sat silently, waiting for the waitress to return. "Are you paying?" Ray asked. Emma snorted. "Norman's a dumbass who saves his money."

Norman rolled his eyes. "What happened to that few million yen you had in your bank account? I heard you lost it gambling in salamander races."

Emma was silent. Ray tried to keep a straight face. What the fuck was a salamander race? Who would be stupid enough to host one of those? Better question: who the fuck would be stupid enough to attend one of those, yet alone gamble over them?

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