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"I almost dropped my croissant."

Norman didn't know what Ray was even angry about. He was giving Norman a huge lecture about "curfew" and "safety". Also something about him getting molested? Like that would happen. He didn't like discussing the subject, to be honest. It brung back bad memories.

After half an hour of this tedious lecture, Norman decided he needed to break the cycle. "Ray, calm down. I won't do it again, okay?"

Ray turned to face him, eyeing him like he didn't believe him. He most likely didn't. "Promise?"

"Promise. And if I do, I'll... ask for permission." Norman felt stupid even saying it. He obviously didn't need permission from Ray, but he said so anyway.

Ray thought it over. Then he finally said, "Alright. But if you dare break curfew again without telling me I'll.... mutilate your stuffed toys."

Norman almost choked on air. "Wait, what?" He hoped he'd heard wrong.

"You heard me. Those stuffed animals will be a pile of fluff if you ever disobey me again."

"You aren't even the one who set up my curfew! Also, how did you find out about those?"

Ray gave him a confused look. "About what?"

"The.... stuffed animals."

"Oooh." Ray smirked. "I found them behind your bedboard. Not a smart place to hide them if you ask me."

"I wasn't hiding them!" Norman argued. "That's just where I store them!"

"Suuuuuuuuuure." Ray rolled his eyes to exaggerate the sentence even more. "Don't worry," he added. "I own stuffed toys too."

Norman blushed, but at the same time Ray's words did comfort him. He took a seat beside the raven-haired boy. Ray fidgeted. "I'm sorry for being dramatic, but I really do care 'bout you," he apologised. "I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you, y'know?"

"I know," Norman agreed. He blushed as he said  his next sentence. "I'm not annoyed at all. I would've done the same thing if I were you."

Ray pouted. "Ew, no. Now you're just being sappy and making it sound gay." Norman frowned and kept quiet. After a while, Ray spoke up. "Sorry. That was really rude, wasn't it?"

Norman nodded but didn't exaggerate. "Would you like something to drink?" Ray asked. Again, Norman nodded. He fiddled with the end of his jumper as Ray left to get tea. How was he going to tell Ray? Ray was way too attached to him already. It'd shown clearly that night. But, then again, Norman was free to do whatever he wanted..... He sighed. 

Ray came back a few minutes later with a cup of tea. "Sorry, I... didn't know what you wanted, so I just got you this."

"You don't need to keep saying sorry," Norman assured him. Ray ignored him and sat down. 

The silence was suffocating. Norman took the chance to speak up and said, "Ray, I need to tell you something."

Ray raised an eyebrow to signal he was listening. "And you might not like it," Norman added. Ray needed to know what he was listening to, after all. The raven narrowed his eyes. "Go on...."

Norman took a deep breath. "Well... I... I think I'm pansexual."

The older man frowned. "What does that mean?"

Norman started to sweat uncontrollably. "Well, I- I'm attracted to people regardless of gender."

"I'm part of the LGBT community," Norman added.

Ray's eyes widened and his face broke out into a grin. "Good for you!" He slapped Norman on the back playfully. A light shone in the raven-haired male's eyes.

Norman gulped. So far so good. "Uhm.. there's something else."

Ray gave him a look. "So, what else?"

"I uhm.... I'm dating someone."

A look of pain and betrayal crossed Ray's face, but left as soon as it'd arrived. Norman must've only imagined it, because the next thing Ray said was, "Wow. Good for you, buddy. Is that why you came back late?"

Norman nodded, taking Ray's eagerness as a go ahead to tell him more. "His name is... Don. He uhm, he actually works in the apartment."

Ray nodded along. "Alright. When can I meet him?"

"I- uhm, meet him?" Norman blushed. Ray raised an eyebrow. "I'm your best friend, aren't I? Don't I get to meet the man you love?" The word 'love' had a sort of sarcastic edge to it.

".... Or am I not worthy to be blessed by His Highness' presence." It wasn't a question.

"Oh, Ray." Norman chuckled. "Stop it with that sarcasm. Of course you'll get to meet him; I was just surprised you were so eager!"

"Eager, right," Ray mumbled under his breath. "Well, does tomorrow sound okay?"

Norman grinned. "Yup, sounds good!"

"Great. Now get out." His voice had changed. It had adopted a huskier, intimidating tone. Norman shivered slightly. He didn't like the way it made him feel. Ray was his best friend; the fact that he could scare him made Norman feel empty inside.

He was ushered from the raven's room without another word. Norman flinched as the door shut with a bang behind him.

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