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"If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself."

Shit. Oh fuck.

This was not OK.

"Oh, cool," Norman squeaked. "It just turns out my best friend has sent me on a date with my.. other best friend."

He covered his mouth to stifle the horrifying sound that would inevitably escape.

How was this fine?! That bitch Emma had set him and Ray up! He was so going to give out to her when he left, ask for an apology, with a hot meal, and begging.. and, hmm, let's say, 5000¥?

That sounded about right.

Norman buried his head in his hands. This was so embarrassing. So, so, so, so embarrassing.

He peeked up and realised he wasn't the only one struggling to breath. Ray was still standing in the same spot he has been since he arrived, staring with malice at the floor.

"I will murder Emma," the raven-haired man muttered under his breath. "Rip her to shreds." His hands were balled into fists.

Hearing that obviously made Norman feel a bit better. Even if he wasn't a fan of violence himself, he was glad Emma was going to get what she deserved. Maybe not die though. Trust me, he was tempted.

"Ray?" he whispered. "Are you.. alright?"

Ray flinched and looked up, red-faced and wide-eyed almost as if he hadn't noticed Norman was there. "Norman?"

His shoulders relaxed a little. "I'm alright."

He sat down beside Norman, sighing. "I just.. this is all such a shock.."

"You can say that again," Norman mumbled.

"You didn't know about this either?" Ray seemed surprised.

"Of course not," Norman sighed. "I had no idea."


"She tricked us," the white haired man noted.

"No fucking shit," Ray deadpanned. "Jeez, I.." He laughed. "I can't believe I fell for that."

"Fell for what?" Norman asked.

Ray ignored his question. Instead: "Hey, Snowball. Are you free the whole day?"

Norman pondered. "Well, yeah. I mean, the only thing I had planned for the whole day was this date. But now that it's cancelled, I might as well - "

"Who said it was cancelled?" Ray cut in.

"Huh.." was the only dumb thing that could slip out of Norman's mouth.

What did Ray mean by that? Was he going to re-arrange a date with someone else? Or maybe they could just hang out over Emma's grave.

"I still want to take you out, idiot," Ray said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It wasn't part of my plan, but I would never cancel on you."

"Ah." Norman felt his cheeks heat up. "Well... yeah, I guess I am free after all."

"That's.. great," Ray breathed. He grinned. "Ah, I'm so happy!"

Norman chuckled. "I mean, we are best friends after all. It's normal to hang out, right."

"Yeah, I mean.. I guess it is.." Ray shrugged, but he hesitated. For what, Norman didn't know, but it looked like he had more to say.

"Are you having trouble putting something into words?" Norman asked, stepping closer.

Ray stumbled back, red-faced. "A-ahm, no.. I mean - yes? Not now..."

Norman giggled like a 5-year-old. Ray was just so cute!

In a friendly way, of course.


The waitress was ready to take their orders.

"I'll have the, uh.. wasabi," Ray said.

"That's a plant, Ray," Norman explained.


The waitress laughed. "Take your time. It might be a bit confusing for you."

"No, it shouldn't be.." Ray squinted at the menu.

"You look Japanese, but you don't seem to know much, huh. Are you living somewhere else?" The waitress' small talk was a refreshing change to the awkward atmosphere.

"No, I've.. lived in Japan all of my life.." Ray mumbled.

"He's just stupid."

"Hey!" The raven-haired man glared.

"Well if you weren't going to say it I had to say it."

"FYI, I'm smart," Ray announced proudly. "Besides, you're one to talk. You literally have fucking white hair! And don't try me with that bullshit about how it's 'all natural.'"

"What a Ray of sunshine," Norman told the waitress. "I'll have salad."

"I'm not going to question you, but you could literally get salad anywhere else." Ray raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah well, most of these options have meat in them, so no," Norman said. "And that is questioning me."

"Whatever. Why don't you get zaru soba? There's no meat in that."

"I won't be able to finish it." Salad did seem pretty dull, but it was the most logical option in Norman's most professional opinion.

"Ah, yes, I forgot," Ray deadpanned. "You have skinny arms. We can share if you want."

"Maybe I should come back later?" the waitress asked. She was starting to look nervous. "So you have time to decide what you want," she added.

"No, we've decided." Ray looked at Norman for confirmation, and Norman nodded. "Large zaru soba and a gallon of chocolate ice cream."

Norman buried his head into his arms.

"You were thinking it," Ray told him.

"Well you said it!" Norman half sobbed.

"Oh, and a fanta," Ray decided. "You want a drink Norman?"

"No," came the muffled reply.

"Cool. A milkshake with that too," Ray ordered. "What flavour do you want?"

"I don't want a drink."

"I asked you what flavour you wanted."

"Vanilla then."

Ray snorted. "Basic bitch," he whispered.

"Is that all?" the waitress asked, her cool composure returned. She was smiling at them.

"Yes ma'am."

"OK, have a nice day, and enjoy your date!"

There was silence as she walked off.

"O-Our date?" Norman whispered. He could hear his heart beating like a train track.

"That's what she said, yeah." Ray looked up at him.

"Oh. Okay."

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