Year 3 Chapter 9

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Author's Notes: Alright, this is the last chapter that takes place during the Prisoner of Azkaban. As my story has little bearing on the events at the end of the year, I'll mostly be skipping them and focusing on scenes that apply to Harry's journey to Heather. The chapter starts in the Forbidden Forest, after Harry and Hermione go back in time and rescue Buckbeak. I'll use "HPHPHPHPHPHPHP" as breaks between scenes for large inter-chapter jumps. I'll start writing Goblet of Fire soon, thanks for reading up to this point!

Also, please don't hate me if the phrasing of some of the transgender (not that he realizes that's what he is) terms aren't used correctly here. I'm writing this from the perspective of a teen who's never been exposed to this before.

Obligatory reminder that I own none of these characters, events, places, etc. If only I did, because I bet that's a crap ton of money.

Chapter Nine

The forest was dark and quiet, as Harry and Hermione sat on a stump watching the Whomping Willow sway through a thicket of trees. Moments ago, they'd seen Lupin and then Snape both disappear into its roots and down the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack. The events of the night were filling Harry's head, and he was determined to make sure that Sirius escaped safely. Hermione was quiet, still processing what Harry had just gotten done telling her about the patronus and his father appearing across the lake to cast it.

"Harry, I'm glad I caught you wearing that girl's uniform" said Hermione, breaking the silence that had fallen between them."As strange as it sounds, I am too" said Harry grinning at her."I feel like we're a lot closer than we used to be, even though we've been friends for years." She said, reaching out to hold his hand."Same here, Hermione. Ever since Christmas I've been nervous being around Ron in fear of him finding out about all of that." He replied."I could tell, that's why you spent so much time in the library with me." Hermione stated matter-of-factly."Yeah, it is, but I've also been doing really well in my classes since I started doing that." "Surprising how that can happen." She said laughing. "I just wanted you to know that it's been nice having... well having a girl friend this year. I know we haven't had much time because of my schedule but I wanted you to know that."Harry was silent for a moment, causing Hermione to ask, "You don't mind me calling you my girl friend, right? I just figured since you like dressing as one it was ok and I've called you a girl before..." she trailed off, a spasm of nervousness flitting across her features."Of course, I don't mind. It's been nice being your girl friend too." Harry replied quickly, squeezing her hand"I've never really had girl friends before," admitted Hermione, "I'm not close at all with Pavarti or Lavender, and I never really had many friends growing up. I am getting to know Ginny better, but you and Ron are really the only close friends I've ever had. I know it's not quite the same but now that you're 'part girl' I feel like I finally have a girl friend."Taking in what she said, Harry looked at her "It just hit me that I really am part girl. I'd never thought of it like that.""That makes sense. It's been ages since we've really been able to talk about how you're feeling about all of this."Again, Harry was quiet for a moment. Finally, he said "Hermione, what do you think I am?""What do you mean?" she asked"Well, obviously I guess I'm a boy who likes dressing like a girl. Does that make me a girl?" He asked, looking a little too intently at his shoelaces"I think that's up to you. Do you feel like a girl?" Hermione replied steadily."In a way, I think I do. I don't really know what it's like to feel like a girl though.""Do you...Do you think you'd ever want to become a girl completely?" Hermione asked slowly"Is that possible?" Harry's head snapped up to look at her, an wondering expression on his face."It might be. As you know, Polyjuice Potion lets you change your body including changing genders. For all I know there could be a spell or potion that would let you become a girl completely. Does that sound like something you'd want?"Harry looked back at his shoes and thought long and hard while they say there. He'd loved getting to be a girl, the few times he'd been able to. The thought of being able to dress and act like one all the time was very tempting. Even just thinking more like a girl while dressed in his every day clothes was wonderful. Just as he was about to answer, the thought of having to explain to everyone, from Dumbledore to the teachers, to his friends, classmates, the Weasley's, and lastly, Ron flooded his brain. He saw the disgust he would face, the questions and scrutiny, the fervent whispering. Wasn't it already enough just being Harry Potter? Why add more on top of that? Slowly he looked up to see Hermione staring at him."No, I don't think so, Hermione. As much as I love it, I don't think I could handle becoming a girl full time. It's just fun to dress up and be 'her' when I can.""I understand Harry, that's a big step to take. I think you're right to enjoy it when you can and see what happens. Just know that for as long as you want to be, you're my best girl friend, and always will be my best friend regardless." Hermione said, reaching out to hold his hand.Quiet fell between them again as they sat watching the Whomping Willow, waiting for their past selves to emerge.HPHPHPHPHPHPHP Over a week later Harry was sitting in the Common room thinking about everything that had happened. The school still hadn't gotten tired of swapping the gossip and their theories on how Black had escaped. With Exams done everyone had much more free time on their hands than normal, allowing Hermione to finally pull him aside for some girl time. She had slipped him another note to meet her in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom of all places. The room was as gloomy as ever, with the exception of Hermione's shining face. "Well, I figure it's the best place for privacy since no one comes in here, plus it's a girl's bathroom so it's perfect for letting you be a girl." She explained as Harry pondered aloud why she had chosen this place.Harry looked around wondering where Myrtle was hiding but Hermione answered the unspoken question, "She was here when I came in, but said something about visiting a u-bend. We're alone." She then opened her bag and handed Harry a stack of clothes he remembered well, then pushed him towards one of the few stalls whose door was still intact.Excitedly stripping off his boy clothes until he stood in just his knickers, Harry raced to dress in the uniform, both because of the excitement of dressing up, and also to counter the chill of the bathroom. Just as he was finishing up, Hermione slid a pair of her shoes under the door, completing the Hogwarts uniform. When Harry was dressed, he took an extra second before opening the door to ensure that everything was on correctly and make adjustments. The look of excitement on Hermione's face when he opened the door made Harry's heart leap.He took in his reflection in the mirror over one of the sinks. He hadn't filled out any more this year, and the clothes fit as perfectly as they had months ago. He'd stopped trimming his hair, which was now hanging past his ears, almost completely laying flat. He knew that wouldn't last as soon as the Dursley's saw it however. His bangs were also longer, prompting Hermione to pin them up with a barrette. The little golden snitch charm lay cool on her skin just above the neckline of her jumper, its tiny wings fluttering across her skin. Using the socks Hermione had provided, he had padded the bra, giving the impression of two breasts sitting on his chest. As he gaped at himself, Hermione stepped behind him, taking his new reflection in."I feel so pretty" Harry whispered, as if speaking loudly would break the magic of the moment."You are pretty, Harry" she replied, "I told you that the day I met this side of you." Breaking away from starting at himself Harry threw his arms around her and hugged her. "Thank you so much Hermione." The two spent several hours in that bathroom, letting Harry continue to practice her make up skills. In the months since she had last tried putting make up on, he had lost some of the knack he had acquired, but he thought he had done a passable job . Hermione cleaned a bench that was against the wall off with her wand, allowing them to sit down, then produced a few bottles of nail polish from her bag."I uh, borrowed these, from Pavarti." She admitted, holding out three bottles. One was a Gryffindor scarlet, one a lilac blue, and the last a bubblegum pink. "Pick one.""Hmm, I like the blue" Harry responded. So, while Harry watched she painted his nails with the blue and let them dry. When that was done Hermione pulled out a copy of Witch Weekly, and asked Harry questions from a "Ideal first date" quiz, and then answering them herself. Harry couldn't stop admiring his nails. They looked so good against the uniform skirt when he laid his hands in his lap. He was almost sure that if a girl had come in she wouldn't even suspect that Harry was really a boy. Just before lunchtime Hermione said it was time to change back. A strange mood took over and for an instant Harry almost expressed his desire of wanting to go to lunch dressed like this. Caution overcame this however, and he set to work returning himself to his usual appearance. Hermione used her wand to remove the nail polish and his make up, which Harry watched disappear ruefully. When he emerged again dressed as a boy, he handed Hermione all the clothes, and the produced the rest of what he'd had in his trunk for her to take for safe keeping."I can't risk taking these to the Dursley's this summer. They don't usually go through my trunk but I can't be sure.""Of course Harry," she said putting them into her bag, "I have a present for you for the summer."Out of her bag she pulled a book, the same shade of blue as the nail polish she had just taken off of him with a silver lock on the side that would keep it closed. On the cover, in silver flowing print that matched the lock, was written My Diary. When Harry reached out and took it, it felt warm. The lock clicked open, and he flipped open the cover to see H. Potter written in the same silver ink in one corner."I figured every girl needs a diary, and this way over the summer you can do the homework I'm going to give you." She told him, smiling at the expression of excitement on his face."Homework?" he asked, slightly puzzled."Yes, you're going to write in this diary about how you feel being part boy and part girl. I also want you to think about what girl things you want to try. I'll keep getting your Witch Weekly's and will forward them to you as I can.""Hermione, this is so nice, but isn't someone going to notice that I'm writing in a book that says Diary on the front?""It has a charm on it. Plenty of girls don't like people knowing about their diaries so it's charmed to look like a random book to anyone you don't want to see its true form. The lock also only opens for you, or someone you let read it, so no one can get into it unless you want them too. Ginny told me about them because hers is the same way, to keep her brothers out of it."Harry didn't say anything, just looked in wonder at the book.***** Harry stood on the platform in King's Cross with Ron and Hermione, Ron's new owl happily flitting around his head. With Sirius's note in hand, he said goodbye to his friends before turning to face the Dursley's. He hugged Hermione tightly, already knowing he was going to miss her, then without every thinking about what he was doing he grabbed Ron and hugged him too."Bloody hell" gasped Ron in surprise, not sure what to do. Hermione watched the expression on his face and giggled. Harry quickly pulled back, his face turning bright red. "Sorry" he said"It's alright mate," said Ron. The three joined the queue to leave for the muggle world, and Harry saw the Dursley's standing there. A few parting words to Hermione and Ron, and soon he was off home. His diary in his hand as he sat in the backseat of his uncle's car, Uncle Vernon still speechless about Harry's new godfather.

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