Chapter 2: The Contest

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Katrina's POV:

My heart sinks. I didn't get tickets. I wanted to go with my five best friends, and getting tickets was my responsibility. How on earth will I tell them? My phone rings, "Live While We're Young" filling the room.

Katrina: Hello?

Allison: Did you get tickets?

Katrina: Alli, I'm so so so so sorry! I couldn't get tickets! Please don't hate me, I tried really hard! Literally, my fingers hurt from typing and clicking.

Allison: I could never hate you. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but you tried.

Katrina: Do you want me to tell the other girls?

Allison: I will.

Katrina: Thanks. I'm so sorry.

Allison: Don't be. You tried.

Katrina: Later Alli.

Allison: Later.

I put my head in my hands. I cannot believe I just blew this for everyone. My phone buzzes with a text. It's Skyler, one of my five best friends. It's a group chat to the five of us.

Skyler: Check. Facebook. Now.

Katrina: Uh okay.

Allison: Will do.

Aby: If you say so.

Megan: Checking now.

I go to my Facebook feed, and One Direction posted something. This is what it says:

"Are you a Directioner who missed out on tickets for your town? We've got good news! For every location 1D is performing at on their tour, there are five front-row tickets to give away! The grand prize winner wins front-row tickets AND they get to spend an entire day with the boys! So what are you waiting for? Click on the link below and find out the contest rules!"

I frantically click the link and read the contest description. Basically, you have to write about why you love 1D, and the best entry wins. I crack my knuckles and start typing. This contest was made for me!

I spend an hour writing about why I am so utterly obsessed with the boys on the stairs and how they have made my life a thousand times better.

When I'm done writing, I text the girls and fall asleep in front of my computer. I just hope one of us gets picked.


"I was up all night writing that entry!" Skyler says, putting her math book in her locker. All of a sudden, I'm having doubts about my entry. I wrote it in an hour, and I didn't even proofread before I sent it in! "Something wrong?" She asks, noticing my worries expression.

"It's just that I didn't really think about it when I was writing. I probably won't win. Dang it! Why didn't I think it out more?"

"Oh come on, Katrina. You're the best writer I know! Of course you'll win! If you don't win, then baboons must be judging this thing." I laugh, glad that I talked to Skyler about this. She always knows what to say. I'm a worrier, and she's the most relaxed person I've ever met, but we're BFFs. I'm not quite as close to Alli, Aby and Megan as I am to Aubrey. Don't get me wrong, I would take a bullet for any one of them, but Skyler and I are special. Allison and Carissa walk up to us, since we have English together.

"Hey Alli, do you know when they announce the winners of the contest?"

"Three weeks. Man I hope one of us gets picked! I wanna meet Harry!"

"I freaking HAVE to meet Louis!" Aubrey exclaims.

"Uh, hello? Niall's future wife has to MEET him before they can get married," I say, pointing at myself and making them laugh.

"I dunno if I can wait that long!" Carissa exclaims.

"Me neither," I reply.

"I guess we'll have to," Allison states as we walk into class, all daring to consider how happy we'd be if we won.

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