Chapter 28: Nothing Left

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I stood in the airport waiting for the next plane home. Finally my flight to home was called. I grabbed my bags and walked over to the terminal.


I kept walking they are not stopping me now. I quicked my pace when the cries got closer.

"Sky stop! Please."

Glancing behind me I locked eyes with a puffy eyed Louis. I just shook my head no and handed the woman my ticked boarding the plane home. I sat in my seat looking out of the window. There I still saw Louis staring out of the window tears flowing down his flawless face. It looked like he was whispering 'no' over and over. My phone buzzed.

Please stay. I believe you. Skyler I love you so much and I never want you to leave. This is not goodbye. ~Lxx

Tears brimmed my eyes as I shut off my phone. When I looked out of the window I saw Louis still staring at me. I gave a slight wave with a tiny sad smile. This is it. Goodbye.

~Back Home~

I hoped out of the cab running up to my house. The place was surrounded by cops. What?!? Reporters and people crowded the place. I ran towards the house. I felt a strong hand grip my forearm stopping me.

"Miss you can't cross." A tall police man said.

"No please you have to let me go this is my mom's house. Please."

"I can't."

"What happened?"

"Someone broke in and shot them both."

"Where are they?"

"I'm sorry miss but your mother is in the hospital."

"What about Stella?"

"She died as soon as the bullet hit her."


I didn't care about the people staring at me at the moment. I have nothing to live for. Quickly I hopped in a cab and went to see my mother. Once there I ran up to the room the nurse told me she was in. She was laid motionless in the awful bed.

"Mamma?" I whispered. Nothing.

"Please don't leave me. I have nothing left"

Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a week smile.

"Mom you can't leave me! I made a big mistake Kat and the girls hate me. Louis broken up with me. And now this. Mommy please stay."

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I cannot hold on anymore. I am going to daddy and Stella. Never give up hunny. You are the strongest girl I know. Stay strong. Stay you."

The long beep indicated now I was truly alone. My family was officially dead. I screamed as the nurses dragged me out of the room. I fought to get back in but it was no use. I collapsed onto the floor bawling my eyes out. It's all my fault.

"I am so sorry Miss Jones but there was no way to save your mother. So sorry for your loss."

The doctor walked away along with my heart. I have nobody. My worst fear has come true I am all alone.


A small voice whispered. There 10 feet away was the love of my life.


I ran over to him and sobbed into his chest. His gentle strokes in my hair were calming me down. Maybe I am not alone after all.

"Never say goodbye again. You scared me. I thought I lost you forever." He whispered.

"I thought you hated me."

"I can never hate you. I love you."

"I love you too."


Written by Kenziemonster98 :)

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