Chapter 30: You Will Regret That

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"She is my sister and I will never leave her in a time of need. So are you coming?" I asked.

"I'm coming with you!" Megan said immediately.

"I don't want to see her after what she did to you." Aby asked, disgust filled her voice.

"She is only human. We all make mistakes. Why can't you get over it?"


"So is it just me and Megan?"

"We are coming." Liam said pointing to the boys.,

"Alli or Aby?"

"I am coming!" Alli said.


"Fine." She scoffed and stormed off towards her room.

"Girls go pack the next flight leaves in about 2 hours."

Liam said walking off to his room along with the lads. I checked to make sure everyone was gone. I snuck over towards Niall's room quietly knocking on the door. I heard a mumbled 'go away'.

"Niall please open up. It's Kat."

I heard shuffling and the door opened and I was met with a disheveled Niall. His hair stood up in all direction from running his fingers through it, bags hung under his eyes, and his skin was blotchy. Even now he looks like an angle.

"What do you want?" he quietly whispered.

"To say I'm sorry."


"Niall I am so sorry. I judged you and Sky. I thought she made a move on you. I felt as if you betrayed me. I felt as if you betrayed me. I am sorry for not listening to your story. I am here to say I think it is cute that you wanted to practice. Niall I really like you."


I laced my finger with Louis' as we walked down the beach. The sand was comforting against my aching feet. The sun was just rising over the horizon. Splashes of pinks, oranges, and yellows, mixed with tiny specks of blue filled the sky. It was breathtaking. I hadn't realized I stopped walking until Louis wrapped his strong arms around my waist.

"It's beautiful." I whispered.

"So are you." He placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.


A voice called one that I thought I would never hear again. Fear shot through my body as I connected with a pair of chilling green eyes. His blond hair was a little longer than before. With every step he took towards me I sunk into the comfort of Lou's arms. I felt Louis tighten his grip around me, but it didn't hurt.

"Skyler is that really you?" that..."thing" asked me.

"Yes now what do you want Chance?" I bit out venom lacing every word.

"I thought we could go out sometime."

Is he really oblivious to Louis?

"Did you forget what happened last we 'went out'?"

"No but I swear that I have changed. Please just give me a second chance."

"I am seeing someone."

"Well who is this?" Chance pointed at Louis.

"My boyfriend Louis."

"Please I can love you more than that prick."

"Hey no one calls my boyfriend anything. You are still a big asshole!"

I felt my fist raise and it connected with his nose. Blood spewed out. Smirking in victory I trotted away with Louis.

"You will regret that Sky! I promise that!"

He never breaks a promise. I am scared.


Written by Kenziemonster98 :)

~Under Age~ A Niall Horan Love Story **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now