Chapter 9: Don't Try Anything

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Allison's POV:

I jog panting off the soccer field and into the locker room, completely exhausted. I slouch down on a bench, taking long gulps from my water bottle. I start to drift off, so tired that it doesn't matter where I fall asleep. Julia runs up behind me and claps her hand on my shoulder, jolting me awake.

"Great game, huh?" She asks, sitting down next to me. I nod sleepily and take another drink.

"Yup. How are you not tired?" She shrugs and takes my water bottle, carelessly taking a swig of water. My water. Ugh. I take it back and jam it in my bag, standing up just to get away from her. I quickly change into regular clothes, imagining how great a shower would feel right now.

Sure, I could shower here, but I'm not that stupid. I go outside and see my older brother Riley here to pick me up.

"Riles! What are you doing back home from Florida State so early?" I ask as I climb in the car. He grins at me.

"What, you're not excited to see your older brother?" I smile and roll my eyes.

"Of course I am, wazzbag. So why are you here?"

"Just visiting." He pulls out of the parking lot and turns off the radio. Oh no. That means he wants to talk to me about something. "So Alli, I heard you won that contest you were talking about." So that's what this is about.

"Yup. Riley, before you-"

"Listen Alli, I don't think this is a good idea." I roll my eyes and look out he window at the passing houses, trying not to get mad at him.

"Riley, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself, okay."

"I'm not trying to baby you, I just want to protect you. You're going to be alone all day with five strange guys-"

"They're not strange!" I exclaim, startling him. "I trust them, Riley, and they won't do anything to me."

"I'm just trying to keep you safe." We pull up to our house and I jump out. I sigh and rest my head against the chair. "Please, Alli."

"Okay Riley. I promise not to try anything." He smiles at me.

"Thanks." How will I spend a whole day with Harry Styles and NOT start making out with him or something? This will be difficult.

~Under Age~ A Niall Horan Love Story **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now