Chapter 11: No Boys

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Megan's POV:

Megan: Dylan, please, you don't understand! I never cheated on you! Ever!

Dylan: Megan, I want to believe you, but I can't. I'm sorry. Callie told me everything.

Megan: Dylan, please-

He hung up. He didn't even let me explain! I never cheated on him! It's just a rumor Callie spread because she's jealous!

"Ugh!" I yell in disgust and frustration as I throw my phone across the room at the wall as hard as I can. Glass shatters at my feet, but I couldn't care less. My back slides down the wall as I crumble to the floor. I curl up in a tiny ball and cry softly, not wanting anyone to hear me. I have four younger siblings, and two older ones at college, and I never get any alone time.

I hear the door creak open. Lucy, who's about 10, peers around the door, her eyes widening when they land on me.

"Megan, Mom says it's time to-"

"Get out!" I yell at her. She jumps and slams the door shut immediately. I can hear her feet patter down the stairs, probably to tell my mom about me. A shaky sigh escapes my lips as I stop my crying. This is pathetic. I am not like this, I do not let my emotions show like this. I stand up, wobbly on weak knees, and walk into the bathroom.

Inspecting my puffy red face in the mirror, I add a little foundation and blush to even out my blotchy skin. Feeling another wave of emotions start to wash over me, I grip the sink to steady myself.

What did I do to him that he won't believe a word I say? I knew I shouldn't have ever dated him. I just fall in love so quickly, never pacing myself so I don't get my heart broken. Obviously it's not working that well. Dylan's not worth my tears, but I can't help it. He seemed so perfect at first, but I guess not now.

"Meg, what's wrong?" I turn and see my mom standing behind me, a sympathetic yet commanding expression on her face. Luckily I don't cry, but my throat is blocked up with tears so I can't speak. I shrug and lock my gaze on the floor. She walks over and wraps an arm around my waist, gently guiding me into my room and onto my bed. "Tell me what happened." I spill out everything, including a few tears. My mom has always been my confidant, not my sisters. I love them to death, but I just don't really have that special I-can-tell-you-everything connection that I have with my mom.

"What do I do?" I ask her, roughly wiping away a few tears as I let her hug me. She tilts my chin up so our eyes meet.

"I say that you take a break from boys for awhile until you find the right person. I'm not saying you have to get married, but don't date until you find someone who you can trust not to hurt you or break your heart." I nod and relax into her arms. No boys for a LONG time.

~Under Age~ A Niall Horan Love Story **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now