Chapter 7: Like a Superstar

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Katrina's POV:

We walk into the mall and are immediately blinded by a thousand flashing lights. I hear camera shutters click, but I can't see anything.

"What the heck?" Allison mutters, rubbing her eyes. After I finally regain my eyesight I look around the room: There are paparazzi everywhere and a camera crew sticking microphones in our faces. A blond, attempting-to-look-younger-than-she-is reporter walks up to us, a grin plastered on her face.

"So this is the winner of the contest, Directioners! What's your name?" My mind blanks. Oh crap. I should've been listening. Megan elbows me in the ribs, snapping me back to reality.

"Uhhh... Katrina Ledger." She nods, the eerie smile never leaving her face.

"Well you, Katrina, are a lucky girl. Which one of the boys are you most excited to spend the day with?" I blush and let out a small smile, glancing down at the floor. I don't answer because I'm too embarrassed. Skyler, on the other hand, doesn't have an embarrassed bone in her body.

"Niall's her favorite. You should see her room! It's completely covered in pict- OW!" I step "gently" on her foot, shutting her up. What if the boys somehow see this? I don't want to seem like a crazy fangirl, even though I am one. The interviewer tucks a strand of her obviously dyed blonde hair behind her ear and resumes her questioning.

"What are you planning on doing with the boys?" She asks, still grinning. Hmm. I never really thought about it. I shrug nonchalantly, as if it really doesn't matter, which it doesn't.

"Whatever they want to do. As long as I'm hanging out with them, I'm great!" She glances behind me at a guy holding cue cards with questions on them.

"Are these the five girls you're taking with you?" She inquires, gesturing to Alli, Megan, Aby, Carissa and Skyler. I nod and wrap an arm around Alli's neck, giving her a sideways hug.

"Yup! These girls are mah babies," I say as I hug her. She pulls away from me and combs through her hair with her fingers.

"Watch the hair!" She teases, smacking the back of my head.

"Allison Renee Taylor! (Sorry Allison I don't know your real middle name.)" She puts her hands up in surrender and backs away from me, throwing her arms around Megan's neck and burying her face in Megan's shoulder.

"Protect me, Meg!" She squeals as everyone laughs. I almost forgot I was being interviewed, but I don't care if I look weird on camera. The interviewer, apparently her name's Kelly, signs off and talks stiffly to us for a minute before leaving to fix her makeup. Aby grabs my arm and squeals.

"Omigosh I felt like a celebrity!" She says, hugging me.

"I don't need to BE a celebrity, I just need to marry one!" I exclaim, talking about Niall. Everyone laughs, but I'm serious. I will marry that boy someday if it kills me.

~Under Age~ A Niall Horan Love Story **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now